Full Moon Update ~ January 13, 2025

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.

The Full Moon in Cancer is Monday, January 13 at 3:26pm Mountain Standard Time (MST)

Dear Friends,

Also known as the Wolf Moon, this moon invites us to pay close attention to home, family and the environments that are the most familiar and have been key to comforts and habitual behaviors. Be open and receptive to any lessons that are showing up in this area as well as any family imprints that need to change as they longer serve. What is most important?

This full moon sheds light on what is coming to the surface that is seeking your attention for emotional clearing and a recalibration of balance with regards to where and how you spend your energy. Focus on releasing any old patterns with the intention for getting aligned with new ones that will serve you best.

Pay attention to the organs around your second, third and fourth chakras as they can be vulnerable around this time and may need some extra care and attention.



Join Lena for Weekly Wisdoms Monday, January 13, 9AM MST where we will work some with the full moon energies. (link here)

Join Anna for a helpful shamanic healing Monday, January 13, 7PM MST (link here)

Join us in Mexico for a much needed tropical retreat and getaway from the cold, drama, overwhelm, worry and anxiety. In this super nurturing environment, we will be working with how to be proactive with the themes and influences of the year with a focus on living an abundant and satisfying life no matter what. January 21-27, 2025 (Link here for more information)

Lena Stevens

Lena is an internationally known teacher and shamanic practitioner. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol Shaman from Mexico and has studied cross cultural shamanic healing from many traditions including the Amazon basin, Native American, Northern European and Siberian. Lena has taught and worked with individuals, groups, businesses and communities for the past 25 years, helping to bring shamanic nature based wisdom back into people’s lives. One of her specialities is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. The individual healing work with these energy patterns through song and other shamanic techniques has had a powerful impact on her clients. Lena is the co-author of the “Secrets of Shamanism, How to Tap the Spirit Power Within” and a contributor to “The Power Path”. Along with husband and partner Jose, she is the co-founder and one of the primary instructors of Power Path Seminars and the School of Shamanism.

Private: Mexico Tropical Retreat 2025


“Living Your Best Life in Full Abundance”Tuesday, January 21 – Monday, January 27, 2025.  Mexico$2,679.00 all inclusive, shared occupancy

The Goddess Is Here

The Goddess is here and always has been but for a very long time she has been hidden away behind veils of denial from world culture that has supported patriarchy, supported science divorced from spirituality, and become hopelessly addicted to the god of money to the detriment and destruction of mother earth. But that old paradigm has seen its day and a new one is ascendant that demands she take her rightful place in people’s lives once again.
Read More The Goddess Is Here

Adaptability and Flexibility

Recently, some of you participated in our online remote healing session where I talked about some very intense events regarding the Sun and the Moon that had just occurred. I mentioned at the time that I would put some of the main points in writing so that you did not have to take notes and instead concentrate on the practices we did. Here, I follow through on that promise and include several practices and perspectives that can be enormously helpful to you in the upcoming times so your toolbox can have many tools to reach for when you need them.
Read More Adaptability and Flexibility

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By Jose Stevens

Moon Updates

By Lena Stevens

Monthly Forecast

By Lena Stevens

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You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.
