The 58 Year Total Transformation of Earth: Understanding the New World through the Uranus and Pluto Squares

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While this article references some astrological configurations that are playing an important role in our times, this is not an article about astrology. It is an article about the types of changes we might be looking at in the coming year and 57 years hence. The reference to astrology is only a catalyst for entering into a most timely topic, massive and inevitable change in the status quo of this planet on every level, social, political, economic, technological, climactic, international, and spiritual.

Late in the evening on December 15, 2014, the sixth of seven Pluto Uranus squares occurred, leaving the seventh to be completed next year on March 16. These seven squares surpass the group of five that took place between 1932 and 1934, setting the stage for the Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, and a slew of social policy changes in the United States. This does not necessarily mean that we are in for another Great Depression or a repeat of a Hitler type dictator. In fact, according to astrologers of all stripes, this time there are different aspects and influences by other planets that are much more favorable than what happened eighty some years ago. What is similar is the high probability of massive change, just as there was massive change during the 1930’s, only this series is even stronger and more influential than it was then. No one knows what it presages because that is part of it, not knowing, not being able to predict with any certainty what is about to transpire.

We have entered a time of the unknown, the time beyond the predictions, the great mystery. For some, this raises a great feeling of terror, a tendency to hunker down and hang on ever more tightly to the past, while others will want to hide their heads in the sand, denying that anything at all is afoot. Still others will embrace change and become highly adaptive and they will be the ones who fare the best, because evolution demonstrates the success of this response for all flora and fauna including the human race. While the future is unknown we might be able to puzzle out some probable outcomes based on what we know from agreed upon metaphysical teachings, the understanding of great indigenous cultures of the past and present, and from understanding the mythology that accompanies the planets that are so influential right now. Let us begin by reviewing the symbolic meaning of Uranus and Pluto. Bear in mind that the fact that Pluto is no longer considered a planet is completely irrelevant for our purposes. That is just an astronomer’s label. It still exists and is going about its business like it always has in relation to Earth.

Let’s start with Pluto. For the Romans Pluto was the god of wealth and the underworld while in western psychology and astrology, it symbolized the subconscious or unconscious. In a Freudian sense this is the territory of the Id, the deep selfish animal instincts, and for Jung it was the terrain of the shadow, the part of ourselves we do not like to acknowledge or look at. Interestingly when Pluto was first discovered in 1930 it coincided with the rise of organized crime in the United states and the forces of law that fought it, the great depression as mentioned, and the rise of Stalin, Mussolini, and fascism in Europe leading eventually to the second World War. Therefore it is not surprising that Pluto is associated with totalitarianism, extreme power, corruption, coercive big business, and in a more positive sense wealth and mastery. Significantly it is also associated with detective work, mining, surgery, and psychoanalysis, all of which relate to digging out to bring the truth or the goods to the surface. In other words under the sign of Pluto one just cannot hide. Pluto’s effects are relentless, unemotional, completely and totally impersonal. In fact Pluto is the planet that effects and erodes the large structures like economies, governments, international relations, policies, globalization, destructive forces on a world scale, and renewal on the same big scale. Its influence is dramatic and not to be ignored. It hits you and it hits you hard.

Pluto is also associated with transformation through destruction in order to create anew. Pluto is not afraid to uncover what is repressed and bring it into the light in order to create something totally new at the expense of the old. It is ruthless and does not care if it upsets the apple cart in the process. You can readily see that this is the artisan’s process, the role for the year 2015, to create through necessary destruction. When an artist creates a new painting the plain white of the canvas is destroyed. When an architect designs a new building the old one must be torn down, and when a fashion designer creates a new dress or suit, the old one must be cast aside or destroyed.

Now that we can see the attributes of Pluto we can consider the current times in reference to power. The young soul paradigm that has dominated the world for several thousands of years is based on dominance and power, the games children play called King of the Mountain and its modern adult corollary, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” These are power games of immense proportions, absolute totalitarian regimes, dictatorships, and the rise of superpowers on the world stage. These have been the times of billionaires, business moguls and titans, dot com empires, and abundance of such extravagance and immensity that people can scarcely imagine the wealth among the .01% of the population. While this trend seems to be the wave of the future it is in fact the last gasp of the young soul paradigm, the child’s dream of being the absolute ruler, the king or the queen who rules all and bows to no one. They are in a word, dinosaurs, just before the massive meteor stuck. Just imagine the great dinosaurs roving over and dominating the earth completely oblivious to the fact that a meteor was hurtling toward earth and that in a twinkling their world would be over. They could not see it coming. Perhaps they thought they would rule forever. It is always like that for the complacent, dominant ones. If history is our teacher they should be able to glimpse it now, but as usual they don’t. They are completely hypnotized by the rarity of the world they are currently living in. Hopefully their heads won’t have to roll as they did in the not so distant past.

It has taken thousands of years for the Plutonian power to concentrate and form itself into the paradigm of the business models and regimes of today. On the world stage banking and modern business practices have slowly gained traction out of millions of baby steps just as has capitalism, communism, socialism or any other economic system that has been experimented with in the centuries since the monarchies. The power was built up from the dreams of millions of human beings who all wanted to play these new power games to find out if they could be among the fortunate ones to live free from the serfdom and slavery of the past. Little did they know they would create new masters called corporations and new sets of slaves now called consumers. They had good intentions. They wanted to live freely to pursue individual wealth and success. So they dreamed and they dreamed and they got to realize their dreams but the dreams always come with shadowy aspects that are not intended. These human dreams are like fads, they come, and they go when they ultimately fail to satisfy. These dreams have reached their peak, their ultimate manifestation, and are now ready to be swept away by a new set of dreams never dreamed before in quite the same way. These new dreams have to do with not so much power as shared resources, not so much wealth of material things but wealth of opportunity and wealth of relationships.

Yes, in the past some humans have come to the conclusion that material wealth alone fails to satisfy so they came up with renunciation of the world as a solution. Even Siddhartha Gautama believed that renunciation was the answer and he tried it for a time but he abandoned this approach eventually because he saw that it would not produce happiness. Renunciation just wasn’t a good alternative. So now what do we do? We are currently ready to graduate from childhood, make the transition through puberty and become adolescents, young adults on this planet. Puberty is always messy but is necessary to arrive at adulthood. This is the stage where we learn that the next step is to realize the importance of our relationships, through the tools of love, gratitude, and forgiveness. Another great teacher noticed this truth two thousand years ago and taught it but he was a little early, historically speaking, for most people to understand. Finally, now the time has come.

This new set of dreams is getting ready to sweep the planet and with these new dreams the old will be swept away as quickly as a sand castle is swept away by the waves at the beach. The planet Uranus will assist those waves to dissolve the old forms of power once and for all but it will take a little time. Imagine that some enterprising child made his or her sand castle with sand mixed with a little cement. Now when the tide comes in and the first of the waves strike it, it does not seem to move or dissolve and as we watch we might be fooled into thinking it will withstand the onslaught. However, what if we who are watching this little drama also know that this is no ordinary tide? What if we knew without a doubt that a hurricane has been building and is barreling toward the shore with 180 mph winds that will strike within a few hours. Does the little sand castle built with some cement have a chance? No, not the slightest chance, yet we could be fooled at first and think that it will still be standing in the morning. Likewise some people might not be aware of Uranus and its dynamic influence on Pluto during these times. Now let’s talk about Uranus.


Uranus, discovered in 1781, is a weird planet in that it spins or rotates sideways. This means that it is tumbling from pole to pole and each alternately faces the sun and then faces away from the sun. This means that each pole alternately has full sun and then full darkness with each spin of the planet. Now that is unusual and that is what Uranus represents is the unusual, unpredictable, and spontaneous. Uranus is the planet of sudden change, unexpected events, radical transformation, and revolutions that destroy or erode the established paradigm and their traditional structures. Think of the burning of Rome, the French and American revolutions, and the American Civil War. Think of the 1960’s revolution in music and fashion, the civil rights movement, and the protest of the Vietnam War. Significantly Uranus governs groups dedicated to progressive principles and humanitarian ideals and it was a motivating force during the radical movements of the tumultuous 1960’s.

Modern astrology describes Uranus as a planet associated with genius and genius is always associated with eccentric qualities, uniquely individual and unconventional. Think of the genius of Albert Einstein and you get the idea. He was known for wearing different colored socks, wild hair, and displaying unconventional insight into the workings of the universe. On the flip side of genius Uranus is the planet related to mental illness, psychosis, breakdowns, personality disorders, cramps, nervous conditions, anxiety, and spasms.

Uranus governs inventiveness, unique technologies, discoveries, new ideas, and electricity. In addition it is known for individuality, originality, and freedom of expression. Uranus represents both internal and external revolution and the higher awareness that is possible as a result. This planet’s effect is unforeseen, erratic and shocking, not to be taken lightly.

Like Pluto, Uranus is ruthless, extreme, and relentless but unemotional, in its process. It does not care who or what gets hurt, rather it is a big tool to get big jobs requiring change to happen and sometimes the results are bloody. Revolutions are often messy affairs and people can be killed. However there is always the potential of a bloodless revolution and that depends on the consciousness of the people.

To try to resist Uranus or Pluto is like trying to stop a freight train going seventy-five miles an hour by standing on the tracks with your palm out saying “Stop.” You will be crushed in an instant. Resistance is futile. Acceptance, flexibility, and adaptation are the only tools you have to deal with them.

What happens when Pluto and Uranus mix it up?

According to the Mayans, katuns of 19.7 years repeat endlessly in cycles of thirteen, each katun having a theme. Thus every 260 years the series of thirteen katuns repeats itself. The Mayans were able to analyze the themes of each of the thirteen katuns and could predict with relative accuracy events coming in the future, enough so that they were able to predict their own demise upon arrival of the Europeans. Interestingly their long calendar came to a close in 2012 and a new cycle began just as the series of seven Pluto and Uranus squares began to signal tremendous changes on the planet. The Mayans were no slouches when it came to their knowledge of the stars movements, their alignments and their meanings. The Katun that began the new cycle 2012-2032, was a cyclical repeat of the one that signaled massive change with major conflicts occurring between the Haves and the Have Nots. People usually take this to mean a conflict the people who have the wealth and resources and the people who don’t but it is highly possible they were talking about the people who have the knowledge of the stars and the people who don’t. This would put a very different slant on the nature of the conflicts and the outcomes. The next Katun from 2032-2052 is the katun that always signals revolution (American and French revolutions) and the next katun from 2052 to 2072 is the one that always signals renaissance. It sounds as if they were talking the language of Pluto and Uranus coming together for a major change.

From a long era of watching cycles and witnessing the outcomes they were able to predict with accuracy when a renaissance was coming and they were never wrong about these things so why should they be wrong this time. A renaissance is coming as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow morning and renaissance means something majorly good, as in an accelerated period of new ideas, new technologies, new freedoms, creative ideas, and so on. Lets look at how Pluto square Uranus predicts this as well.

Pluto square Uranus

Uranus square Pluto is evolutionary change on a massive scale, socially, politically, and economically. The forces that are set in motion during these seven squares are likely to have effects over many years up to and including 2072. We are talking here about a sixty year period starting in 2012 in which the paradigm that runs the world will change entirely from a ego-dominated me first philosophy to a relationship oriented world where cooperation, sharing, respect, and understanding are the dominant paradigm. This is nothing less than a huge change.

We can expect new technologies and sources of energy to absolutely revolutionize how people live and carry out their business and these resources will be shared as never before with all peoples of the world taking part. There will be major advances in virtual reality and 3D technology. How to interpret what reality actually is will become a significant challenge. These technologies will infiltrate every aspect of life.

Picture a world where most meetings will be in virtual reality form including meetings of international leaders, public forums, sports activities, entertainment events, concerts and so on. They will be so real and so effective that you will not be able to tell the difference between the virtual event and being at the real event.

Artificial intelligence will take a quantum leap and transform all aspects of living as well. This itself will change the definition of gainful employment and what work is or should be. It will free people up to actually pursue the things they most love to explore. Not everyone will work in a traditional sense anymore but everyone will have access to resources. A.I. robots will eliminate many tedious chores and provide companionship for impaired and challenged people. How these robots are treated will become a question for ethics.

Life will no longer be dominated by the need to stockpile money by working endless hours for compromised pay. Most corporations in the paradigm of today will not exist being too big and ponderous and will be replaced by small teams of highly efficient self employed people providing services that will do what corporations do today. Health care will be universally available and will no longer be a for-profit enterprise. In fact medicine will largely become preventative and will be patient oriented rather than doctor oriented. The pharmaceutical model will be replaced by plant-based medicines that will provide revolutionary protection for the body. Education will be universally available but much more universally tailored based on a thorough understanding of each unique individual and their innate talents and abilities.

Transportation will not involve the ancient techniques of transporting bodies over long distances and time frames but will be practically instantaneous through a new understanding of physics. The current dismal 10% use of the average brain will be replaced by techniques that train people to use eighty to ninety percent or more of their brain capacity.

Fossil fuel energy sources will largely be abandoned way before supplies run out. They will be replaced by cold fusion and extremely cheap sources of energy that is accessible anywhere.

Within the next fifty-eight years the Earth will begin to colonize Mars and learn the arts of terraforming planets to support human life. Other planets will be identified as possible support for colonies and methods to travel efficiently and rapidly in space will be identified and designed.

Hopefully you begin to get the idea of what this world will look like now.

Now before all this can manifest there will be challenges to face. As the influences of Pluto square Uranus takes effect there will be major conflicts between the public’s desire for Uranian absolute freedom and Plutonian structures (governments and organizations) and their desire for control. Maintaining economic growth and prosperity will become extremely challenging as the world redefines what it means to be prosperous and how to grow. The god of growth has proven to be highly destructive and antithetical to sustainability. How to change that will be a major conversation. Perhaps the term growth will change to mean something else. There will be confrontations over extremism, the fanaticism of religion, nationalism, and the old specter of unemployment as traditional jobs continue to disappear and the meaning of work changes.

The internet will continue to evolve coupled with virtual reality and communication on every level will become universal. It will not be possible for countries to opt out and this will continue to change how people think about themselves and people of other nations whom they will have ever more contact with. Empathy and understanding will grow naturally and peer pressure to work things out internationally will take over as the major tool of change and progress.

As poverty erodes due to accessibility of resources crime will slowly disappear, as will the cops and robbers games of the present. Porn will continue to play its role in society as it evolves along with all the new technologies but its influence will be reduced as the masculine and feminine begin to work together in harmony and respect. Some things will remain with us as challenges to resolve in far future times.

More than anything spirituality will be the major source of evolution and transformation. The current primitive state of religion will go through a quantum leap during the next fifty eight years and the result will be a stunning transformation of how people understand themselves, their purpose, the meaning of their lives, and their relationship to Spirit. This is a whole other topic not for this article. So, get ready for a leap off the high dive. Resistance to dramatic change is and will be futile in the coming years. There is no turning back. You will need to be flexible, able to embrace change, and in addition you will be best served by adopting the perspective of never accepting appearances. Have fun!


José Stevens

José Luis Stevens, PhD is the president and co-founder (with wife Lena) of Power Path Seminars, an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and indigenous wisdom to business and everyday life. José completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol (Wixarika) Maracame (Huichol shaman) in the Sierras of Central Mexico. In addition, he is studying with Shipibo shamans in the Peruvian Amazon and with Paqos (shamans) in the Andes in Peru. In 1983 he completed his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the interface between shamanism and western psychological counseling. Since then, he has studied cross-cultural shamanism around the world to distill the core elements of shamanic healing and practice. He is the author of twenty books and numerous articles including Encounters With Power, Awaken The Inner Shaman, The Power Path, Secrets of Shamanism, Transforming Your Dragons and How To Pray The Shaman’s Way.

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