Power Path individual services offer shamanic wisdom for modern needs.
The Power Path offers individual coaching, consulting, counselling and healing sessions in person and over the phone. Sessions may also be arranged for executive teams, boards and other small groups and organizations. A session is based on intuitive information through access of the quantum field and can be extremely helpful in offering guidance in many areas of work, health, relationships, partnerships, projects, and major decisions. Sessions can also include charting the Personessence personality overleaf system. For first time phone sessions you will need to send a photo via email for our files.
Please call the office to schedule your Individual Session with José or Anna Stevens M-F 9-4 US MT @ 505-982-8732.
Private Session Fees – José
- Over the phone or zoom:
- $275/hour beginning September 1, 2021
- $150/half hour beginning September 1, 2021
Shamanic Healing Sessions
Shamanic healing sessions are from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending upon need and may include singing, drumming, rattling, feather work, extraction, physical manipulation or massage work, and the use of tobacco and other non-ingested medicinal plants. If you are overly sensitive to smoke, please let the practitioner know ahead of time.
Shamanic Healing sessions with Anna Stevens. Remote. Please schedule all sessions through the Power Path 505-982-8732
- Remote sessions: 1/2 hour: $75
- One hour in person: $150
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing is a spiritual and medical practice based upon the belief that all healing includes a spiritual dimension. Shamanic medicine is a tradition dating back 25000 years. To better understand how a shamanic healing works it is important to understand some of the fundamental concepts of what shamanism is. It is a specific set of methodologies for accessing the spirit or energy field of anything or anyone. The essential perspective of shamanism is:
- Everything is alive. Everything has spirit and awareness.
- Energy and matter are the same. Everything is vibration. Everything that exists is an energy system within a greater energy system.
- Everything that exists is connected to everything else in a web of energy or life.
- Unseen/inner/spiritual reality affects visible reality.
Working within this system of perceptions, the healer strives to create balance and harmony of the spirit. This is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance and can be focused on the individual or the community. This also can be applied to anything that exists.
By using shamanic practices a wide spectrum of healing is possible. Shamanic healing takes place in many forms, depending on what spirits recommend. This can include plant, herb and mineral spirit medicine, the use of song and other instruments to move and transform energy, visualization, soul retrieval, extraction, hands on massage or physical body manipulation. The shamanic practitioner understands the necessity to use both nature and spirit in healing and that true healing is whole and complete: body, mind and spirit.
Power Path School of Shamanism Practitioners:
Jose Stevens PhD and Lena Stevens, founders of the school, have been teaching and practicing shamanic healing for more than 30 years. Jose does remote or in person sessions. Lena does not do sessions at this time.
José Stevens PhD is an international lecturer, corporate team builder and organizational coach, consultant and trainer. A psychologist, licensed clinical social worker and author of more than twenty books and numerous articles, he is also co-editor for the Journal of Shamanic Practitioners and a board member. He is the founder, with his wife Lena, of the Power Path School of Shamanism and The Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating youth in indigenous cultures. He has completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol Maracame in Mexico and has studied with the Shipibos of the Amazon and the Paqos of the Andes for the last thirty years.
Lena Stevens is an internationally known teacher and shamanic practitioner. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol Shaman from Mexico and has studied cross cultural shamanic healing from numerous traditions including the Amazon basin, Native American, Northern European and Siberia. Lena has taught and worked with individuals, groups, businesses and communities for the past 25 years, helping to bring shamanic nature based wisdom back into people’s lives. One of her specialities is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. The individual healing work with these energy patterns through song and other shamanic techniques has had a powerful impact on her clients. Lena is the co-author of the “Secrets of Shamanism, How to Tap the Spirit Power Within” and a contributor to “The Power Path”. Along with husband and partner Jose, she is the co-founder and one of the primary instructors of Power Path Seminars and the School of Shamanism.
Anna Stevens is a shamanic healing practitioner with more than 20 years experience working with indigenous shamanic healers around the world. She has in depth training in both Shipibo and Huichol healing modalities, as well as experience with the Paco tradition of the Andes and native north American traditions. She is a practiced medicinal ceremonialist and she specializes in healing through song, extraction, traditional feather work and the use of medicinal herbs and plants.
Reconnective Therapy
Reconnective Therapy is a healing technique based on the concept that body has a blueprint for optimum health with all the information it needs to correct itself when out of balance. Conditions of poor health are due in part to blockage in communication caused by shock patterns. These patterns are created by physical, emotional, or mental trauma; injuries, and other aggravations and insults to the body such as vaccinations, medications and surgeries. The patterns serve to isolate the trauma and to keep the shock from spreading to the rest of the system. After the danger has passed, unless the body is reminded to release the shock pattern, it will keep that specific part of the system isolated until something occurs to release it.
Through specific frequencies set up by the practitioner (acting much like a tuning fork) the treatment of RCT reminds the body to release shock patterns as well as to reconnect with its blueprint of optimum health. This communication reminds the body of what it needs to do to bring itself back into harmony and good balance. Treatments can occur on many levels in the physical, mental, emotional, or energy bodies of the whole personal system. As the practitioner introduces the communication or frequency, the body itself will decide what is a priority for reconnection. Not all RCT is about healing old wounds. Sometimes a person is simply ready for a higher level of functioning.
Gabrielle Lakatos is a Reconnective Therapy Practitioner with over ten years experience working with this healing paradigm. Her journey in the healing arts began in 1997 when she received her Certification in Massage Therapy, Breema Shiatsu and Advance Reflexology. In 2001 she furthered her education at the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy where she studied the science of mind and body medicine as an alternative for healing through Essential Oils.
To set up an appointment for RCT please call 707-338-8033 PST.
Group Sessions
In addition to personal sessions and shamanic coaching, we will also work with your executive team, project group or office staff. Business groups as well as individuals are constantly being challenged in these times. The emphasis on improving quality and better interpersonal relationships in the workplace can always use a little help. Our Power Path coaching, and shamanic consulting can provide insight and support in to help you take the next step. We can provide personal coaching, leadership training, team building, wilderness retreats and guided overnight solos for individuals and groups striving to strengthen their skills, improve communication, increase productivity and achieve a better understanding of workplace dynamics. We have presented trainings in the USA, Canada, Peru, Venezuela, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Egypt, Finland, Mexico and Russia.