Adaptability and Flexibility

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Recently, some of you participated in our online remote healing session where I talked about some very intense events regarding the Sun and the Moon that had just occurred. I mentioned at the time that I would put some of the main points in writing so that you did not have to take notes and instead concentrate on the practices we did. Here, I follow through on that promise and include several practices and perspectives that can be enormously helpful to you in the upcoming times so your toolbox can have many tools to reach for when you need them.

To summarize briefly; the celestial events have included a new moon in Libra that began just four minutes away from the peak of an Annular -Solar eclipse, and just a week later a massive solar storm on the heels of hurricane Milton that ravaged Florida. All this was followed by a rare comet’s visit in our skies as well as a very close asteroid visiting, and a full moon on October 17 which we will talk about shortly.

Just to give this some perspective, the Toltecs of ancient Mexico and the Mayans of the Yucatan, Belize and Guatemala both predicted that celestial events of an intense nature would trigger and signal the massive changes that the Earth will see in these times we are currently living in. These predictions were made thousands of years ago and are taking place exactly as they said would happen. There are close to twenty predictions that cover everything from climate change, to social and political changes, to the rise of the feminine and the potential to release and renounce addictions to war, violence, and inequality. So, at the end of the day, it’s all good. But first there is a price to pay and, as always, that price is our own comfort. What will be necessary to weather these times successfully are two things, adaptability and flexibility. Attachment to the past is not adaptive. It’s an inflexible solution that will lead to very unfortunate consequences for any of us.

Now, let’s look a little closer at these recent celestial events. As Lena said in her recent new moon forecast, this New Moon in Libra opens a portal to feel into a sense of what is coming, what is changing, and what suggests a new beginning. It is a good time to consider planting the seeds of new ideas and inspirations that have been percolating just below the surface of clarity for some time. Acknowledge that you are still in a transitional time where resets and refinements could be a daily occurrence.

Libra is about balance and harmony and this New Moon has a particular focus on relationships. Reflect on where there needs to be more balance in your relationships, perhaps stronger boundaries, or looser boundaries, more acceptance, and ability to say no or to say yes, or even to reset what relationships need more or less priority in your life. Through this observation you will also be able to see where your energy is going and where to re-orient it if need be.

Solar eclipses intensify everything for about six months. They tend to be about radical change of a more local nature and because Mercury, the planet of communication, expression and thought is very influential, what we think, how we interpret and understand what is happening, what we say, and what is left unsaid is more important than ever. Watch what you may be overlooking, ignoring, or not focusing on. Don’t gloss over anything and avoid confrontation because that won’t be possible. Face conflict and speak your truth.

More than anything the coupling of the new moon with the solar eclipse is about new beginnings and forging ahead with new ideas, new insights, new teachings. Because the focus is on local relationships, your relationship with yourself and your relationship with spirit within you become extremely important. What parts of yourself and your beliefs are you going to break up with and what parts of yourself and fresh perspectives are you going to discover that will become a lasting positive influence in your life? Chances are you are about to have a major meeting with Spirit within you and that will most likely bring greater truth, honesty, fairness, stability, harmony, balance and justice within. That is great news but not particularly for your ego that will most likely freak out and go into resistance to change.

To add to all this is the full Hunter’s or Pink moon in Aries on Thursday, October 17th at 5:26 MDT. This fiery and intense moon is about clearing the obstacles to your life’s purpose and highest possibility. This is an action-oriented, moving-centered moon that requires exercise and making life choices, not from impatience but well thought out and from the heart. In other words, get moving. This full moon time is the culmination of all the work you have been doing processing, dealing with, restructuring, letting go of, recalculating and adjusting in the last weeks and even months. Use it wisely, stay in your own lane and be responsible for your own actions and reactions. Watch out for the impulsiveness and aggression that comes with it as this won’t help.

Changing, adapting, and healing is always a bit disruptive and we humans don’t often like disruption even if the disruption is good for us. These times call for a fair degree of disruption. Again, it is best if we are not in too much resistance to it. Better to embrace the disruption as important and good medicine for us. It is okay for our lives to be disrupted periodically. If we embrace the disruption of taking medicine, we won’t have to endure the massive disruptions that failing to change brings about. 

Here are a couple of powerful practices and perspectives for these and all times:

The key to adaptability and flexibility is opening the heart and the heart does not always express itself in words. The heart is the fastest way to connect to spirit which is ultimately within us. It leads us to the heart of hearts, the heart that we all share with Spirit. So, start by focusing on your chest and go to your heart of hearts right now. In truth it is everywhere and nowhere.  Just intend that you’re in there. And from your heart of hearts go up to the upper room behind your eyes and between your ears and from that place say this prayer or one like it with an awareness of both heart and head:

“Hello Spirit, Thank-you for creating me and giving me the gift of life. Open my heart fully. You know what I need, you know what is best for me. Head me in the right direction to realize my highest potential at this time. The highest possibility for this life. Guide me toward those relationships, those beliefs, those activities that are for my highest good at this time. Guide me gently from the relationships, beliefs, and activities that no longer serve me. My personality does not always know what is best for me so I give this mission over to you. Give me clarity, give me discernment, give me courage. Flood me with the blessings you wish me to have at this time. Bless all my relations. Bless this world with dynamic and positive transformation in a good way.

I am in alignment with the source of all things. I am one with the source of everything. I am, Spirit is. It is, It is, It is. Spirit is infinite and eternal, within me, all around me, everywhere. This awareness I am experiencing right now is infinite and eternal.”

And here are some ancient nomadic teachings of the middle East to help our perspective:

The fruit of the past may be past its prime. It may be rotten, needing to be discarded.

Considering the future, we are not ripe or realized yet. When we are ripe the future will be our present.

In the present, we can be ripe for our full potential right now. Consider that today we are ripe or realized for what we need today. Tomorrow we will be ripe for that moment. What you were yesterday is perhaps no longer ripe but once was. Be in your ripeness. Ripeness is a product of essence, not ego. Ego knows nothing of ripeness or self-realization.

José Stevens

José Luis Stevens, PhD is the president and co-founder (with wife Lena) of Power Path Seminars, an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and indigenous wisdom to business and everyday life. José completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol (Wixarika) Maracame (Huichol shaman) in the Sierras of Central Mexico. In addition, he is studying with Shipibo shamans in the Peruvian Amazon and with Paqos (shamans) in the Andes in Peru. In 1983 he completed his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the interface between shamanism and western psychological counseling. Since then, he has studied cross-cultural shamanism around the world to distill the core elements of shamanic healing and practice. He is the author of twenty books and numerous articles including Encounters With Power, Awaken The Inner Shaman, The Power Path, Secrets of Shamanism, Transforming Your Dragons and How To Pray The Shaman’s Way.

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