If you have been reading or watching the news you are probably all fed up with the endless insanity of the primary election campaigns for president of the United States. There have been endless analyses of candidates and their strategies that seem to change with every week. Nevertheless people are still asking me to write something about the principle candidates and the elections as a whole. I have mentioned tidbits in recent articles but I will devote this article to hopefully help you understand the candidates and the bigger picture. Sorry in advance if any of your toes are stepped on. Politics is always a divisive topic.
To begin with let us examine the personality traits of each candidate. Realize everyone at the essence level is perfect already. Candidates are just the imperfect outer characters playing roles that we project on them.
Hillary Clinton: Warrior, third level mature, Goal of Growth, Mode of Perseverance, Pragmatist Attitude, Intellectually Centered, Obstacle is Arrogance.
Basically she started out in politics to be a social progressive but over the years working in a deeply flawed and corrupt system she has gotten hopelessly entangled in the system and cannot find her way out after compromising so many times. She has grown to enjoy the money and power but still wants to be seen as progressive. This causes many to see her as hypocritical.
If she is elected the gridlock of Obama’s terms will continue. She will be relentlessly beaten up and she may have health issues.
Bernie Sanders: Warrior, First level Old, Goal of Submission/sliding to Dominance, Mode of Aggression, Realist attitude, Intellectually Centered, Obstacle is Stubbornness.
His goal of submission is his dedication to socialist policies without wavering, however on the campaign trail he slides to dominance. He handles his aggression rather well without going into belligerence because he is an old soul. Being an old warrior he can be somewhat dour at times without much of a sense of humor, especially when he slides to cynic from realist. He is somewhat like Pope Francis in his lack of use for pomp and symbols of wealth and power
The positive pole of realist is objective and the negative pole is subjective. He does sometimes slide to subjectivity when espousing some of his more radical tax plans etc.
His softness on the gun issue is reflected by the fact he is a warrior. Even old warriors appreciate weapons.
If he is elected he will wage relentless war on the establishment like a Teddy Roosevelt. There will be gridlock but some things will give way due to his hammering away.
Donald Trump: King, either fifth or seventh level young, Goal of Dominance, Aggression Mode, Pragmatist Attitude, Moving centered, Obstacles: Arrogance and Greed.
The positive pole of dominance is leadership and the negative pole is dictatorship. Trump is most often in the negative pole. The positive pole of Aggression is dynamism and the negative pole is belligerence. He slides back and forth. The positive pole of pragmatism is efficiency and the negative pole is dogmatism. He slides back and forth. His pragmatism is reflected in his simple solutions to big problems, “Build a wall,” “Register Muslims,” “You’re fired”
These personality traits are very similar to Alexander the Great who almost could not fail and of Hitler who likewise was a juggernaut in his time. His moving center has him covering a lot of ground continuously. He seldom sits still. When you combine moving with dominance with aggression he is an eighteen-wheeler barreling up behind you on the highway. You have little choice but to get out of the way or get rolled over.
Regarding the fifth or seventh levels. Fifth level is very public and eccentric. Michael Jackson was fifth level. Seventh level is mastery and leading at the front of the pack. So far he is exhibiting both, making it a bit difficult to choose between them.
Kings always pick the enemy for their empires. Mexicans and Muslims are the enemies so far.
If he is elected all hell will break loose for better or worse.
Ted Cruz: Seventh level baby Priest with a Goal of Dominance. Power Mode, Idealist Attitude, Intellectually centered, Obstacle: Arrogance.
This individual is entirely incapable of putting his feet in another’s shoes. He is fiercely calculating, wants to dominate and dictate, and is practicing barely playing by the rules and creating his own rules. He does not care that he lies blatantly and should be regarded as quite dangerous.
He is already calculating that Trump will beat him and wants to keep the strongman’s good graces. He is a fool however if he thinks that will work. Trump despises him as do just about everyone else of note.
He will not be elected.
Marco Rubio: Sixth level Young Scholar, Goal of Growth, Mode of Observation, Attitude of Pragmatism, Intellectually Centered, Obstacle: Self Deprecation/Arrogance.
Scholars tend not to do well on the national stage. Al Gore and Richard Nixon are both scholars and neither was able to sum up the charisma for presidential stature. Al Gore was beaten up by George Bush, a warrior, Nixon was beaten up by JFK, a King, and Marco Rubio is being beaten up by Donald Trump, another King.
Remote Shamanic Healing
Each month, around the new and full moons, Jose, Lena or Anna leads a remote shamanic healing session. These approximately 30 minute sessions are designed to be experienced in a quiet, safe place free from distraction. Even if you cannot join live they can be very powerful, and always include a good clearing and beautiful icaros. These are live webinars where you cannot be seen or heard. You can hear the practitioner and see their altar for that evening. Recording access is included for 48 hours afterwards. See the product description for dates and times.
Marco Rubio is taken to task for repeating himself, for sounding robotic, and for being wooden, all scholar traits that work against them when on a national stage.
He is unlikely to be elected.
John Kasich: Early mature Sage, Goal of Growth, Mode of Perseverance, Intellectually centered, Obstacle: Arrogance.
Of all the republican he is the oldest soul, a mature souls, definitely relationship oriented, and the most reasonable. However in a party that tends to support young souls he is not able to get much traction, especially with the juggernaut and circus of Donald Trump.
He is unlikely to be elected.
The big picture
Now that you have read about the candidates let’s talk about the bigger picture. Most people would agree that our political structure is broken as is our system of governance. The founding fathers did lay out a system that was quite well thought out and has worked for many years for the most part. However with the flood of corporate dollars buying candidates of both parties lock, stock, and barrel, massive polarizing of parties, manipulation of voting rights, and gerrymandering to ensure the republicans own Congress forever, the system has broken down almost permanently.
Whenever this occurs in a country and the people feel that nothing can get done because of gridlock, it sets the stage for a strongman or woman to take over, as was the case in Germany in the early 1930’s. The twenty percent baby souls in the population seek a strong, usually patriarchal leader who will ram through new policies that they imagine will represent their interests. A big percentage of the twenty five percent young souls in the population admire a highly successful individual and back them as well. This gives them close to fifty percent of the population backing the strong or dictator like individual for leader.
The fifty percent mature and old souls are always less motivated to vote because they are frequently discouraged and can’t see a worthy candidate to represent them. In addition they are often divided up with many issues competing like ecological concerns, gay rights, race relations, pro-choice agendas and so on. The younger souls just want a strongman and are united that way. The older souls want someone who is going to represent their favorite agenda and are divided that way. This sets the stage for a strong man or woman takeover, a usually disastrous result as we have seen so many times in history.
In this election Donald Trump is the strongman. Now even though he can appear like the buffoon to more reasonable people, he is only play acting and having fun being the bully. He is incredibly calculating and in typical king style is outmaneuvering most other candidates. He understands media, understands campaigning is not about ideas in this election, understands every other candidate’s weakness, and has proceeded to trash them one after another which he will do until the end. He has also carved out a base of anti-intellectual people who want their strongman and is playing to them unabashedly. He is not running for president, he is running for king, and he does have a shot at it given his personality structure and the times we are living in. Sometimes things have to go all the way down to the bottom for us to get the lessons.
When he says outrageous things like building a wall for Mexicans or banning Muslims, rather than people turning away from him they are secretly relieved that he is strong enough to break through the gridlock and make things happen. Many like that he is not being polite and that he is stepping on all the toes of the establishment because they are the people who also feel they are not the establishment. They are the people who feel they have been screwed and see him as their savior. Little do they know that he is not a savior and does not care about what they have been through or that they have been screwed by both parties. For him they are just means to an end. The truth is he is the Trump party, not Republican or Democrat, and he will do what he pleases.
He has already cowed the media, selected the in-crowd and the out-crowd and basically just bans anyone that isn’t a follower or a fan. He is already setting the stage for the equivalent of the brown shirts, the loyal henchman that will enforce his policies through violence and force. These are the same people that rough up the protestors at his rallies.
So what happens if and when he faces Hillary or Bernie, both warriors that do not play his game? Kings usually trump warriors (pun intended) but then warriors can really beat up a king now and then, usually only if they join forces. Hillary and Bernie may have to unite. Wouldn’t that be something? Trump is already isolating Hillary and playing to Bernie’s fans because they are also antiestablishment. What he doesn’t realize is that they are also mature and older souls that want no part of him. So at some point Trump is going to have to play the election grabbing card, a trick George Bush resorted to in Florida when Al Gore was pushed out of the way by a variety of corrupt moves. The play is just getting started and there is a big choice point for the nation. Let Trump take over or not.
There you have it, yet another perspective. However this is not just a political analysis, it includes some bigger philosophical considerations that no one else is looking at. If you feel frightened or discouraged just remember, its only a movie. Everything in life is out-pictured by us, the many fragments of one grand being. As humans we get to play everything out on a grand stage to our huge entertainment and folly. Everything works itself out. In the end essence knows the lessons and how they need to be learned. Remember the words of my old Buddhist Zen Master, Seung Sanime: “Too many thinking, put it all down, only go straight, keep don’t know mind.”
Have great gratitude for life, love for all, and awe for the grand beauty of it all. Forgive the whole mess that separation makes. Perform the inner smile directed toward all the candidates who are actually representing many parts of ourselves. See Spirit in every one of them. That way they and we may just behave a little better.
José Stevens
José Luis Stevens, PhD is the president and co-founder (with wife Lena) of Power Path Seminars, an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and indigenous wisdom to business and everyday life. José completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol (Wixarika) Maracame (Huichol shaman) in the Sierras of Central Mexico. In addition, he is studying with Shipibo shamans in the Peruvian Amazon and with Paqos (shamans) in the Andes in Peru. In 1983 he completed his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the interface between shamanism and western psychological counseling. Since then, he has studied cross-cultural shamanism around the world to distill the core elements of shamanic healing and practice. He is the author of twenty books and numerous articles including Encounters With Power, Awaken The Inner Shaman, The Power Path, Secrets of Shamanism, Transforming Your Dragons and How To Pray The Shaman’s Way.
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