The True Meaning of Support

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.

The main theme for these times is support: allowing support, receiving support, and giving support. Let’s begin with these three main aspects of support. It does not occur to most of us that allowing support is important but the truth is that it is the foundation of all support. If you cannot allow it, then it is a dead proposition from the get-go. There will be no support arriving even if it is available, offered, given, provided, earned and so on. Allowing has to do with three different things. The first is getting ego out of the way and realizing that everyone needs support, that it is not a sign of weakness to accept it, and that it is okay to let go of the illusion of being in total control in order to receive it. For many the refusal to allow support comes from the imprinting that not needing support is a sign of strength, freedom, and independence. In many people’s minds allowing support means that they have lost these things and are in a one down position in relation to others. In their minds they have lost a sense of having the status of one who is completely independent of others.

By extension we might look at our physical needs similarly. The body needs mineral support, food, fluids, oxygen, and so many things that we take for granted. Imagine if a fire fighter in a terrifically smokey situation with very low oxygen were to say, “No thanks, I don’t need more oxygen. I can handle this. I am just fine.” What if a person, very dehydrated, were to say the same thing. “I am just fine. Leave me be. I can take it.” We would laugh at the absurdity of this or just shake our heads in disbelief. That’s crazy but at the end of the day it is the same situation that we were talking about earlier, refusing support because of distrust, vanity, humiliation or any other reason.

The second reason we do not allow support is not believing that support actually exists. For example, if someone offers to help you carry some packages and then they proceed to drop them breaking all their contents you would wish that you had never accepted support in the first place because nobody can do the job quite like you can. This is the old saw that you might have to spend more time and energy supervising others than doing the job yourself. While sometimes this may be true, it is often just an excuse for not letting go of control. At the heart of this position is the belief that support does not actually exist. Support is just interference with being self-reliant. 

Receiving help is another story. Can you actually allow another person to do their job without interference? That is a whole other discussion but we are going to move on here to a third reason that people do not allow support; Lack of worthiness. “I don’t deserve support. I haven’t earned it. I am too imperfect to deserve it”. Your words and thoughts are law in the physical universe. If you believe this you will not allow in support of any kind. One of the main themes in the Course in Miracles is that human beings are endlessly punishing themselves for believing they are separate or disconnected from God. This is one of the primary themes of the human race, the denial of Spirit, and this accounts for all the fear, anxiety, and distrust that we live under. Deep within us we know that this is a lie but we are also deeply hypnotized to believe this. So, we have terrific guilt and guilt implies judgment, sentencing, and punishment in that order. We are each the judge and the jury so the punishment is suffering, accidents, trauma, disease, and emotional and physical pain. The punishment is feeling unworthy, undeserving, and contrarily deserving of the worst, not the best. The end of all this suffering being the tossing out of this fundamental lie, that we are separate from Spirit.

Allowing support is giving yourself permission to be deserving and worthy of it. Next is being honest about the vulnerable situation you may find yourself in, like having a heart attack, breaking an ankle, or your car breaking down when its 115 degrees outside. Don’t allow help and you may die. These are extreme examples to make a point. Many situations are not as extreme but warrant allowing help anyway, like being exhausted after a lot of work, convalescing from the flu or covid, needing to be picked up at the airport at an awkward time and so on. 

So far, we have been talking about support from a very conventional point of view. Let’s go deeper here. Let’s go to where the source of all support originates. Spirit. If you don’t believe in Spirit or any other name for it then that is the end of this conversation. If you do, then we may continue. Spirit, the creator, the source of all things is of course the creator of and source of all support. Spirit is everywhere eternally so it is in everything: Ocean, sky, earth, people, minerals, animals, plants, ideas, perceptions, feelings, thoughts, dreams, awareness, consciousness, presence, everything and nothing. You can’t distinguish it because it is being everything. If you pick up a water bottle it is going to look and feel like a water bottle to you so it is easy to miss that it is actually Spirit. The water bottle is a source of support for us but we think it is the bottle and the water fulfilling that purpose, and we forget about Spirit, not that Spirit needs to be recognized to be what it is. It is what it is anyway. So, everything is an expression of Spirit and since everything is a medicine in shamanic terms, it can all be a source of support.

Let’s go a little deeper here. An acorn does not have to be recognized as an acorn to be itself. You do not have to be recognized and acknowledged as a person to be yourself. You continue to be yourself and the acorn continues to be itself. But if someone does recognize you and acknowledges you, you smile and brighten up and become even more of yourself. You might think that the acorn does not brighten up in the same way when it is recognized but it does. Everything in existence from a rock to a parrot brightens when it is acknowledged. However, this is only part of the story, albeit an important part for it points to the importance of recognition, acknowledgement, and acceptance.

Let’s go deeper yet. When you see the bird and you say, “pretty bird”, it knows it and brightens becoming more of itself. Now let’s say you see the bird and you recognize it as an expression of Spirit, an alchemical transformation takes place not unlike the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Now you have gone from acknowledging it as a unique individual to acknowledging it as expression of all that is, the creator itself. That is amazing enough but in order to see the bird this way you are automatically coming from an awareness that since everything is an expression of Spirit, you yourself are as well and from that place you are saying hello to the only thing that is true, it is you and you are it. When this explosion happens, and it is an explosion, the bird is no longer just the bird and you are no longer just the observer human, you are Spirit saying hello to Spirit because Spirit always recognizes itself. When this miracle happens, nothing can be the same again. It is as if a giant cosmic bell has been sounded and everything is listening. The cosmos has awakened from a kind of illusory slumber.

Upon thinking about this you might have a consideration or two. If that’s it, then end of game. Why do we keep living in this difficult world where everyone appears to be asleep? Maybe nothing happened. But that would not be true, everything happened. The challenge is that we are living under the temporary illusion of time and everything seems to be broken down into segments, levels, and steps when in reality everything is happening at once. So, the great awakening is happening as we speak but it appears to be happening very slowly in incremental stages and that fools us, lulls us into disbelief, disillusionment, discouragement. We end up in, “There is no support” when all there is support. If you want support to reveal itself then you can look around you and see support everywhere sourced in Spirit and you can say, “I see spirit everywhere. Right now! Including in me. In fact, that is all there is.”


We spend our lives denying support for various egoic reasons.

Receiving support has everything to do with allowing it.

Knowing we are worthy of it is extremely helpful.

Knowing that we are not separate from Spirit is the key to knowing we deserve it.

Support is infinite and eternal because that which created support is infinite and eternal.

Everything alchemically transforms when it is seen as Spirit.

Spirit only knows what is true.

All support is here and now because Spirit can only be known here and now.

Enjoy support now.

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.
