Articles & Forecast
The Power Path has an extensive library of Shamanic News & Events, Monthly Forecasts, Moon updates, and articles to help guide you on the Power Path.
Our Monthly Forecast and its complimentary Moon Update offer a practical shamanic alternative to the more traditional monthly astrological horoscope.
Dealing with Procrastination
Read More: Dealing with ProcrastinationAlmost everyone struggles with procrastination in some aspect of their life. For some it amounts to a mild inconvenience and for others it can have disastrous consequences touching upon almost every part of life. Given that is the case it would help if we knew something more about the dynamics of it and how to…
Losing Faith in Spirit – What Does it Mean?
Read More: Losing Faith in Spirit – What Does it Mean?Recently, I have had many people tell me that they are struggling to keep their faith in Spirit during these challenging and changing times. Some of these are long term followers of spiritual traditions and people who have strong practices. They are wondering why, even if they pray or meditate every day, their lives are…
Discovering the Power of Perception
Read More: Discovering the Power of PerceptionIn this article we are going to revisit the topic of perception and how important changing our way of looking at the world and ourselves is in order to cope with new realities…. Some of the things I am going to say now reflect my own bias based on what I believe the long-term prospects…
Pleasure, Shame and Guilt
Read More: Pleasure, Shame and GuiltWarning: You may find this article somewhat disturbing because it may contain information that directly contradicts what you perhaps always believed to be true. Try to read it from a neutral place.
The Importance of Shamanic Wisdom Regarding Hallucinogenic Plants
Read More: The Importance of Shamanic Wisdom Regarding Hallucinogenic PlantsThe previous article focused on the problems that can occur when someone combines pharmaceutical medicines and chemical compounds from the laboratory with natural entheogenic plants that have not been altered in any significant way. Here we will continue the discussion about the great interest by the general public in indigenous plant medicines and the need…
The Explosion of Interest in Medicine Plants: What we need to know
Read More: The Explosion of Interest in Medicine Plants: What we need to knowMost of you are probably acquainted with the great interest in a variety of medicine plants or entheogens being researched for treatment with veterans and others suffering from PTSD and a variety of other disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, and various addictions. When interest in some of these plants and chemical compounds like…
5 Year Cycle
Read More: 5 Year CycleMany of you have shown interest in the Trends talk reference to a special five-year cycle of change that begins in 2023 or, in other words, this year. Not being an astrologer, I cannot speak in those terms about the next five years so I will use my own way of describing the cycle which…
Rewilding: Discovering Our True Wildness
Read More: Rewilding: Discovering Our True Wildness“Be someone who transitions well. Accept it. Integrate it. Look for the opportunity in it. It is not other than you, rather it is also you.” ~ From last month’s article. Recently I was returning from a two-week vacation in Thailand with my wife Lena. While the trip itself was worth it the return…
Managing Turbulent Transitions
Read More: Managing Turbulent TransitionsAs many of you know this is a time of turbulent transitions, including those that are personal, societal, global, climatic, experiential, internal, external, physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental. In other words, just about every way possible. Some of us don’t handle transitions well, finding them frightening, exhausting, trying, and challenging. Some of us find them…