Articles & Forecast

The Power Path has an extensive library of Shamanic News & Events, Monthly Forecasts, Moon updates, and articles to help guide you on the Power Path.

Our Monthly Forecast and its complimentary Moon Update offer a practical shamanic alternative to the more traditional monthly astrological horoscope.

  • Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

    Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

    Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are the four building blocks of our physical planet and everything on it and together these four elements offer some stability to our experience. This is what this article focuses on. While these elements are powerhouses easily witnessed in the oceans and rivers, volcanoes and forest fires, tornados and hurricanes,…

    Read More: Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

  • Stamina


    This next year is an important development in a short or long process of transformation, depending on how you see it. Everyone is reaching a state of saturation and exhaustion regarding the oncoming variants of the pandemic, the insane fascist politics, climate change, the spiraling levels of gun violence, drug addiction, self-destruction, and bad behavior.…

    Read More: Stamina

  • The Only Viable Path Ahead: Release and Reinvent

    The Only Viable Path Ahead: Release and Reinvent

    Read More: The Only Viable Path Ahead: Release and Reinvent

  • What Defines You And How Is That Working For You?

    What Defines You And How Is That Working For You?

    For thousands of years, human beings have found themselves caught in the prison of their own story lines aided and abetted by the influence of prejudices of family systems, cultures, and religious programming. For the most part, humans have felt at the mercy of events and influences beyond their control and have often suffered greatly…

    Read More: What Defines You And How Is That Working For You?

  • Growth & Identity: Making Adjustments

    Growth & Identity: Making Adjustments

    Human beings are evolved and concentrated points of higher awareness scattered throughout the physical plane. We shine like bright lights in an otherwise glowing landscape, growing more radiant and extending our light to all in our proximity. In this way we human beings are growing in awareness and helping the rest of the physical plane…

    Read More: Growth & Identity: Making Adjustments

  • False Gods

    False Gods

    When I was a child I remember being alternately impressed and terrified by the biblical command, “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have false gods before me.” This was the command of a dominant God issuing a directive with implications of dire punishment if disobeyed. It conjured up images of frenzied hordes…

    Read More: False Gods

  • Raising The Vibration of Everything

    Raising The Vibration of Everything

    I get many questions from my students and clients about raising their vibration and raising the vibration of the situations they are in, perhaps even raising the vibration of family members, colleagues, neighbors and so on. This is quite an interesting topic so here I am going to address the ins and outs of how…

    Read More: Raising The Vibration of Everything

  • How to Pray the Shaman’s Way

    How to Pray the Shaman’s Way

    In How to Pray the Shaman’s Way author José Luis Stevens offers an insightful guide to this universal, transformative practice, and explains how engaging in shamanic prayer can lead to deeper healing, a more grounded outlook on life, and an ever-expanding sense of connection with the natural world, our fellow human beings, and the divine…

    Read More: How to Pray the Shaman’s Way

  • Alchemically Transforming Reality

    Alchemically Transforming Reality

    I would like to respond to the many of you who raise the subject of the desecration of the earth, how depressing it is to see what humans have done to the earth, and what, if anything, can be done to help restore it. What accompanies this concern is often great anger at what has…

    Read More: Alchemically Transforming Reality

  • Healing Cruelty With Kindness

    Healing Cruelty With Kindness

    Read More: Healing Cruelty With Kindness

Monthly Forecast Testimonials

“I’m so glad I came across the Power Path, It has enriched my daily life

Can’t live without it!  Easy to read and understand.

Always refreshing and thought-provoking, your emails and website are so helpful to my spirit.”



I’ve been a reader since 2012 – … Your posts always provide a sense of perspective and a way to always use what’s stewing… for advancement toward your best self…”


“I’m so grateful for this message, the recording, and future themes of December.

Blessings to everyone involved in the instrumentation of such generous and beautiful healing.

Many many thanks.”


Thank you for this update.  You will never know, unless I say something, how profoundly these words have landed in my consciousness. 


“The reason I love it is because it helps me to validate all that I am going through as even before the forecast comes I usually find myself in the energetic field you describe and so it just helps to confirm everything! It also helps me as it explains to me what’s happening. All in all, I love it and thank you for all you do!”


Thank you for your guidance,  it is my touchstone!

Peace, light and abundant Love,





great source of comfort and support


“Thanks for all of your time and effort to help us approach life with open hearts and mindful perspectives.”

Mae – San Mateo, CA

I’m so grateful for this message, the recording, and future themes of December.

Blessings to everyone involved in the instrumentation of such generous and beautiful healing.

Many many thanks


Continue Exploring


By Jose Stevens

Moon Updates

By Lena Stevens

Monthly Forecast

By Lena Stevens

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