What is the PersonEssence System for Understanding People?

The Power Path System to Understanding People

The definitive guide to understanding the essence of personality and the personality of essence, the essential map and manual to why humans behave the way they do and how they do it.

There are a great variety of maps to the terrain of human personality types, from truly excellent ones to poorly crafted ones designed by people who know little about themselves and others. If you are interested in exploring the landscape of who people are and why they do the things they do, then you will need a top notch, excellent map to keep you from getting lost or confused. Understanding people is always much easier when you have a good tried-and-true map that points out the major landmarks, obstacles, and clear pathways.

Maps label landmarks clearly so that you don’t get lost. Some people object to labels because they believe they are limiting and self-fulfilling and indeed this is often a problem. But a vague map without a legend or clearly labeled landmarks is worse than useless. Although labels can be abused as humans, we cannot do without them when we are attempting to differentiate between a river and a forest or a mountain and a canyon on a map. Similarly, in order to understand people better, we need to differentiate between a pragmatist and an idealist, a cautious person and a passionate one, an intellectual and an emotionally centered person and so on. For example, a cautious person will deliberate long and hard before making a purchase but a passionate person might decide in a matter of seconds to buy an item. An intellectual person needs time to think about the formula that will provide the solution to a problem but an emotionally centered person like Einstein often knows the answer before knowing the problem-solving formula.

The Limitations of Most Personality Systems

Unfortunately, the world of psychology has provided us with rather primitive maps to the human personality and the result has been massive confusion. Too often, they are oriented toward identifying dysfunctions and abnormalities so that a diagnosis can be made. These maps are not useful for healthy people. Maps developed by business psychologists have improved our understanding of people with management skills and other corporate positions to some degree, but they still suffer from the problem of over-simplicity. To divide everyone between introverts and extroverts just doesn’t tell us enough about the person, nor does dividing the personality into interrogation types and listening types. These simple maps and tests do not do justice to the tremendous varieties of human behavior. People are in reality quite complex and have many layers to their personalities that require a system with more interlocking parts to work with.

Download the Free PersonEssence Introduction E-book

The Personessence™ System to Understanding People has been developed over the last fifty years and has been impacted by numerous fields and traditions. Informing the core of this system is the work of the late Sarah Chambers, a public health administrator, teacher and intuitive who for years researched the findings of George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky. Many of the terms and concepts explored by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, as delineated by Chambers in the 1970’s, influences much of the basic content of Personessence™. However, Personessence™ takes much of this work to a significantly deeper and more contemporary, applicable level.

The Importance of a Comprehensive Personality System

Before we can understand the big picture of how we are all one, we need to understand the more local picture of how we are different. Once you understand the grand variety that is within humanity, you can learn to accept all people as having something to contribute, and this makes for a more cooperative world. To judge others for being different is to misuse this system.

The map I am about to present you with here is both simple to learn but complex enough to provide hundreds of thousands of variations. You can understand the basics in a single reading, yet the map is complex enough to keep you interested for many years if you choose to master its subtleties. The Person-Essence System presents the basic model for quick understanding and easy comprehension. To understand the greater scope of the map requires proper training and a course of study. 

Many people using the Power Path Personality System have said unequivocally that there is no other map to the human personality that is so accurate nor so comprehensive in its scope and potential.

Various Types of Personality Systems


This map of personality is based primarily on the number seven, a number easy enough to remember. For many years, phone numbers had seven digits because it was understood that the average person could easily remember up to seven numbers at once. When clear light shines through a prism, the light breaks into seven colors of the color spectrum. All seven are derived from the same source, however, they have different frequencies. In the same way humans are cut from the same cloth yet they have different specialties and various ways of approaching them, making for many choices.

Note that numerology is the study of the sacred meaning of numbers and is a huge area of study. There are many numerological systems, but many are very similar to each other. The ancient Toltecs described the meanings of numbers as related to the formation of the universe, as did the mystical kabbalah, the ancient Greeks and many others. For a more comprehensive explanation of numerology, I refer you to Wikipedia.

Myers Briggs

The Myers Briggs is a personality system that divides people into six main types: intuitive, thinking, feeling, and sensation types along with Extroversion and Introversion. While this system describes people according to specific categories, they do not describe how someone might approach feeling or thinking in terms of attitude, idealism, skepticism, pragmatism, and so on. Likewise, the system makes no mention of a person’s value system and how that might impact what they think about or feel about or how sophisticated their intuition actually is, so in the end it is quite limited.

Astrology Horoscope

Another very popular map is Astrology, which includes various approaches to astrology, such as Chinese astrology, Western astrology, Vedic astrology, and so on. A horoscope is drawn based on the time and place of birth and this is called a birth chart (if a person does not know the date and time of their birth, it cannot be drawn).

The birth chart tells the exact positions of the planets, the sun and the moon, and other heavenly bodies at the time of birth and shows where they are according to the twelve signs of the zodiac. A progressed chart can also be drawn for the present, giving additional current information. Astrology is a system that is complex enough to measure many personality traits and even make predictions but requires an expert in the system to give correct interpretations of the location of planets and other heavenly bodies.  A source of confusion are the different theories about how the birth or natal chart should be drawn, taking into consideration the gradual precession of equinoxes over centuries. According to the different astrological systems, the birth chart can show very different results. I personally have had very different interpretations of my chart over the years although it has been very useful overall. Many people find that having their astrological chart done and having their person-essence chart done as well dovetail very nicely and give them a more accurate understanding of both. One of the main differences is that the Person Essence chart gives the person’s set of values while astrology does not.

The Enneagram

Another increasingly popular personality system is the Enneagram based on the numbers nine and three. This is a system based on ancient esoteric knowledge and it certainly does have validity and complexity. A person may be any of the nine different types that are well defined. In addition, they may have seven traits from the wings on either side. For example, if they are seven then the wings would be six and eight. In my view, while this system is quite good, the problem with it is that it mixes different categories together and assumes that if a person has one trait, they automatically have a whole set of other traits and this is not necessarily so. So for example, while the PE system has separate categories for values and a category for attitudes, the Enneagram mixes these together and this introduces errors here.

In the course of my life, I have been labeled several totally different ways by experts, of the top Enneagram experts, and this caused me some frustration with the system.

There are numerous personality systems used in the business world to determine which people have leadership and management skills, and various other business-oriented traits. While there are too many to describe here, they are limited to professional skills and do not necessarily measure qualities outside of that realm.

Likewise, there are tests that have been designed for dating sites and these are actually rather abysmal because they are based on what some people think are attractive traits in the dating world. Often, they are designed by people who have no expertise in testing or knowledge of human nature. 

The Value of a Comprehensive Map to Personality

A map that divides people into skin color would be simple indeed, but it would tell us very little about what the person might look like. However, if the map were to tell us in addition eye color, hair texture, length and color, height, weight, body shape and so on, it would be much more valuable and give us a much more comprehensive picture of them. With this in mind, you can now see the variety of variables revealed by the Person-essence map.

The PersonEssence System. Aka: the Michael Teachings

In this system, there are seven primary categories, each with seven choices. They are as follows:

Values: the seven primary ways of perceiving

Roles: the seven primary character types

Goals: the seven primary motivations that lead people to seek certain experiences

Modes: the seven primary methods or styles of approaching a task

Attitudes: the seven primary perspectives

Dragons or Obstacles: the seven primary obstacles or fear patterns

Centers: the seven primary ways of reacting.

In addition to these seven layers, there is one additional dimension that adds depth to our already comprehensive map of personality-the nine needs. This is the only category that has nine instead of seven aspects.

Like the perennial favorite game of clue where you are asked to combine elements in a murder mystery, any one of the seven roles can go with any of the seven attitudes, or seven modes, or seven goals, or seven dragons and so on so the possibilities are practically endless. Yet the different categories are so simple and intuitive that just by reading the different options, you can often see yourself clearly.

A second important number in this system is three. If you take a look at the chart, each “overleaf” or personality trait has a positive pole and a negative pole making three. There are also three narrow-focused overleaves in each category and three wide-focused overleaves. There is one neutral one.

First, take a look at the Person-essence chart to familiarize yourself with how it is laid out and the various traits listed.

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Origins of the System

During the late nineteen sixties and early seventies, the skeleton of the system was accessed by the late Sara Chambers, a public health administrator in Berkeley, California, and a student of the teachings of Jorges Gurdjieff. Through countless sessions over several years, she outlined the entire system in great detail. She called the system The Michael Teachings, and it is still known by that name in certain circles. The name Michael is generic and does not reference any famous person whatsoever. As a student of her work and her friend, I was able to use my knowledge of human personality from western psychological systems to help unpack the information and make it more accessible to the mainstream. I called it The Person-essence System to better reflect the core theme of the teachings, since the name Michael is essentially meaningless to most people. Study of this personality system has continued to be a major aspect of my life work.

During the last sixty-five years or so many people have studied the system, and some have made contributions of their own. Many versions proliferated with slightly different words or general concepts explaining aspects of the system and each has provided many examples of famous people to demonstrate the different types. The results have been both helpful and confusing, as there are numerous conflicts and contradictions in the examples. This state of affairs has come about for several reasons. Some have clearly not understood the system and their websites or writing demonstrate this lack of knowledge. For example, one person has written that the roles change as the person evolves over the course of their lives from one to another. They seemed to suggest that everyone becomes a king-role in the end. This is absolutely contrary to the original understanding of the system, implying that some roles are somehow more evolved than others. All roles are totally equal. Another reason some errors have cropped up is similar to the way the game of telephone can distort the message as the information transfers from person to person. To solve this age-old problem, it is best to go to the original source.

Download the Free PersonEssence Introduction E-book

The Personessence™ System to Understanding People has been developed over the last fifty years and has been impacted by numerous fields and traditions. Informing the core of this system is the work of the late Sarah Chambers, a public health administrator, teacher and intuitive who for years researched the findings of George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky. Many of the terms and concepts explored by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, as delineated by Chambers in the 1970’s, influences much of the basic content of Personessence™. However, Personessence™ takes much of this work to a significantly deeper and more contemporary, applicable level.

Accuracy and Method of Creating a Chart

I have spoken with a great many people who have had their chart of overleaves (personality traits) given to them by someone claiming to be knowledgeable and expert in the system that turned out to be completely wrong. Sometimes this is because the person conducting the session wanted to please the person by telling them what they wanted to hear. Ultimately, there seems not to be a fix for this except that the person seeking their overleaves will sense that it is wrong and seek to rectify it through self-study or by seeking out another source of information. This is not unlike a person getting a wrong diagnosis from a doctor and seeking a more accurate diagnosis. That’s life. At the end of the day, it has to feel right to you and if you are insightful and honest with yourself, the truth will blaze forth like a bright light of realization.

There will always be people who want to please others by telling them what they think the person wants to hear, and there will always be people who are willing to overlook the truth in their quest for ego gratification. This does not mean the system is wrong or inaccurate. It means it can be misapplied.

On the other hand, there are people who are fluent and masterful in this system and worth consulting to receive an accurate chart. A little research will reveal who are experienced and accurate.

PersonEssence Questionnaire

Being trained as a psychologist, I spent some years teaching tests and measurements to master’s degree students and administering them to people as part of my job. So, to help support people wanting their Person-essence chart done, I came up with a questionnaire that I hoped would help people identify themselves without having to consult someone else. To some degree, this has been helpful and useful, but it has the typical problem that some people simply do not know themselves well enough to answer the multiple-choice questions accurately. Over the years, I noticed that without authorization, this questionnaire appeared on a variety of websites related to the Michael Teachings.

Changes to the System

Many people are very creative and creative people often want to put their own signature on whatever they are working with, so they make changes they think are improvements. In addition, there are some groups who want to own the system and imply that it began with them. There is such a group in Europe that implies this and who charge a great deal for the information, but it is clear they use materials and terminology from my books with no referencing of it whatsoever.

Unfortunately, a profit motive often corrupts the integrity of the information.

While all writing may contain distortions, I have done my best to stay with the original intent and meaning of the system. I have only deviated from the original by adding explanatory content, or changing certain words by consensus when it was agreed among original students that they were improvements. For example, early on, the name for server was changed from slave to avoid obvious discomfort and likewise the name of the goal of retardation was changed to the goal of abbreviation to reflect changes brought about by political correctness. The names of the different values were changed to reflect their orientations rather than the age of maturity, which seemed to be more accessible and helpful to the average person.

Over the years, more information was downloaded and added, such as the nine needs, and some information became de-emphasized, such as the seven different body types, mostly because this information is poorly understood by most people and created some conflict. It was discovered how sensitive people are about their own bodies. This information is still available to advanced students and those who like to research.

The Spiritual Orientation of the Person-essence System


This section provides a spiritual and metaphysical overview of the entire Personessence™ System. Read this if you want to comprehend the system in its totality, the way it was originally meant to be understood. This information has the potential to positively revolutionize your life as it has mine. I believe it should be made available all over the world to young people who are just beginning the journey of their lives. If I had known what was presented here when I was a child, I would have had a completely different experience of myself than I did growing up with guilt, shame, and confusion. My journey, however, has led me to this fine set of truths and this has made a huge difference for me.

Do not read this section if you are satisfied with the psychological explanation given earlier and/or you have your own religious tradition that you do not question. This Spiritual orientation, while very valuable, is not a requirement or necessary to understand the overall pragmatic personality system. It works as it should no matter what the backstory is.

There is a much more complete manuscript on the spiritual elements of this philosophical teaching that are in development at The Power Path. Please join our email list to recieved updates on this work. Here are some samples from it and some introductory information.

As you have already read in the first section, the Person-essence™ System is based on what has become known as the Michael Teachings, a system of knowledge that was downloaded by Sarah Chambers in the early 1970s from an invisible source she simply called The Teacher. When pressed the source replied, “We have no name but if you wish you can call us Michael for that was the name we had in our last lifetime as a human being.” It merely refers to the last fragment’s name in the final lifetime of an entity made up of warriors and kings that have been responsible for communicating this body of knowledge.

This knowledge has been downloaded many times throughout the ages, but since language and culture change over time, it is periodically updated. This version represents the most recent update. I have chosen to call this system Person-essence™ in order to make it accessible to the widest number of people possible. Person is short for personality and essence can be translated as Core Self or Higher Self. The idea is for essence to work smoothly through the personality of the body.

For those of you who are attached to the name “The Michael Teachings” you can continue to call it that. Just remember that ultimately this system has no name, so it is best not to be attached to anyone arbitrary name.

In no way do I take credit for downloading this information, only for unpacking it and organizing it as a psychologist and scholar might. I have been a student of this teaching since 1970, so I have had the experience of seeing it evolve and spread over a considerable period of time. For those of you who are interested, my role is scholar, with a goal of growth, observation mode, pragmatist attitude, intellectual center with the emotional trap. I have all seven obstacles with an emphasis in self-deprecation sliding to arrogance and am older in soul age, also known as philosophically oriented. I have a Mercury, Saturn, and Neptunian body type. My life task is to be a pivotal facilitator for a great many people, a task I have thoroughly enjoyed using the vehicles of Person-essence™, western and eastern psychology, and shamanism to accomplish it. This task has made me happy and fulfilled in what I consider being a very fortunate life.

As you have read already, with any teaching and already with this one, there have been many misconceptions and distortions that have crept into people’s understanding of it. This is my attempt to clarify misunderstandings and set the record straight.

Since spiritual matters are very difficult to put into words, I will refer you to all the mystic traditions: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Taoist, Sufi, Toltec, Native American and many others, with which this philosophy has many similarities. There are also points of divergence. The best way to approach this body of knowledge is to keep an open mind and consider the possibility that the way this system is presented may ultimately convey a powerful truth. You should believe nothing at face value. All of it must check out with your own sense of what is true and what is not. In other words, check it out for yourself. For something to be true, it must conform to your own experience of what you call your reality. If it does not, you can always simply lay it aside and you will be no worse for wear. Certainly, this information can never harm you, only support your ultimate path toward self-realization or enlightenment. I wish you the greatest blessings and most happy trails on this adventure.

Here I will outline the basic orientation or rules of the game of physical life. I will speak of such things as karma, agreements, and the process by which each person selects their personality overleaves for each life. I will also speak of life purpose, life task, and many other important considerations about being a human being. I intend for this introductory presentation to be succinct and to the point so it will not cover everything in this teaching. There are other books listed that you can order through online distributors to help you understand more.

Throughout, I will use the word TAO to refer to Spirit, the creator, or God if you will. For your better understanding, TAO is an ancient Chinese term for “All That Is”. It was a part of a major philosophy understood by the Chinese sages thousands of years ago. You could easily substitute the words Creator, Source, Supreme Being, God, Great Spirit, Atman, Allah, or other terms and it would not change the story at all. Bear in mind that an ancient Taoist saying states, “The TAO that can be named is not the TAO.” Their understanding was that the supreme force behind the universe can never be captured in words. I agree with the ancient sages about this yet, in order to talk about these exalted ideas, we must rely on words, so I will use their term TAO because it works well and does not limit “All That Is” too much.

Rules of the Game

Initially, we are created as entities or spiritual families with many fragments, like cells making up the body of each entity. In order to have the greatest experience as humans, we then focus down into fragments that each have an individual identity. Each individual particle or fragment has an essence that is indestructible, infinite, and sourced outside of time. The experience of being human includes the illusion of separateness from the Tao, just for the time being. In other words, we were created with the freedom to forget all about God and Spirit. We enter into the illusion of the denial of Spirit or God.

Because of this, at first, we would think that everything was happening to us as if by accident, or maybe we would think the source was some external God or the force of many gods. was directing our activities. At first, we would not realize we were little creators creating our own lives and experiences. Gradually, through experience and our own growth process, we would discover who we are. We would realize that we create our own reality through choices because, in fact, we were always part of something infinitely expansive.

  1. Each fragment essence under the illusion of separateness would enter into a mammal body called a human being at the first breath upon birth and live out the existence of that body until it died within an agreed upon time frame. Upon death of the body, the essence would seem to withdraw into a non-physical plane and integrate what it had learned before entering into another physical body.
  2. Each fragment agreed that whatever choices it made during the life of that body, it would agree to experience the consequences of said choices until all experiences were completed and accounted for in a fair and just balance. This process would be called karma. Karma would be a law until such time as human beings evolved beyond the necessity of it for their learning.
  3. Each essence agreed that upon birth in the mammal body they would experience a kind of amnesia that would prevent them from remembering most other experiences in other incarnations until they had gained sufficient experience to handle these memories. This forgetfulness would be necessary for them to complete the karma they had accrued.
  4. Each essence understood that in a complete lifetime they would evolve in a body from infancy through toddlerhood, then childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, into old age and completion of the experience through death unless of course they learned to transcend death. A lifetime that ended early, as in childhood, would be considered valuable but still incomplete. In order to move to the next level, a full lifetime would have to be completed.
  5. Each essence understood that in exactly the same sequence, but over a very long historical time frame, it would experience stages of lifetimes in which it would focus on experiences and lessons related to infancy, being a toddler, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood until mastery of consciousness was achieved. From this sequence they could not leave early but had to finish the game. In other words, once one had chosen to play the game, it would have to be played to completion.
  6. Gradually during the long sequence of lifetimes (happening in sequence in time but happening simultaneously outside of time), each fragment would rejoin with members of its own entity or family to share all its experiences, adventures, and lessons. At the end of the sequence of lifetimes the family of consciousness would be totally reintegrated with the realization that in the deepest reality there had never been separation at all and that apparently separate forms and expressions are ultimately in fact one. Then this family would reintegrate with other families and so on until the illusion of separation was erased. All would be one as it always was and always would be.

    At this point this particular game would be complete so that other games could be played and mastered. Underlying this game is the Tao’s grand scheme and this is the experience unfolding on the planet as we speak. With this game structure in mind, we are now in the right position to understand exactly what has happened on this planet, what is happening now, and what the most likely possibilities are for the future. This map also lets us know how the game will ultimately end up. There is not a problem. If you are able to think on a grand enough scale then you could smile at the outcome. If you are only looking at the present time frame of a few years you could well cry instead.

Tao Series of Books by Jose Stevens

Tao to Earth: Michael’s Guide to Relationships and Growth

Earth to Tao: Michael’s Guide to Healing and Spiritual Awakening

Available at various booksellers. Otherwise currently out of print.

Here is How the Process Works in a Nutshell

Throughout this substantive universe of galaxies, suns, solar systems, and planets are billions upon billions of experimental life forms, many of which are sentient and experiencing evolution similar to the way life evolves on the planet earth. Within this arm of our own galaxy are ten million ensouled species, all evolving according to a similar plan. The entire Personessence™ System applies to all planets, and the following explanation is roughly the same for how all planets operate. There are, however, significant differences in the kinds of physical forms that are ensouled because of varying conditions on each planet. In other words, the varying planets are not duplicates of each other, but each is highly unique and carries a great variety of possibilities. Many are human-like but only on earth are forms that look and behave exactly like us.

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Because of the variety of life forms in the universe, there are many experiments. On earth there are two groups that are individually ensouled, cetaceans and simians (homo sapiens). All other life forms come in the form of hive souls, such as a herd of elk, a school of herring, or a flock of geese. This is also true of plant forms and so on.

In each illusion of a lifetime, essence specifically chooses racial qualities, birth family, a gender, and a time frame for the incarnation complete with culture, subcultures and other influences. All genetics are chosen, as are family patterns and personal traits. The personal traits are accounted for by “overleaves” that are described in the Person-essence system. Each lifetime, a person chooses traits that will help them learn specific lessons, help them learn from karma, keep specific agreements, and complete a life task or purpose, a mission, if you will. The egoic identity does not experience itself as having chosen these variables. For the ego, life is a life and death proposition and it plays the game of survival for the most part. The egoic identity is a kind of false personality that tries to deny God and pretends to control everything. Neither is true, and in the end, it fails utterly, but not before a lot of suffering occurs. The essence self knows that the ego identity is not real and that the suffering is part of the illusion of the game. The essence self, bides its time patiently (being outside of time) until enough has been learned to start revealing the game to the personality, little by little. Eventually, the egoic self learns that it is not actually real and learns to settle down to do its simple job of handling basic needs

The nuts and bolts of how this all works is a somewhat longer explanation and is very revealing. You can read and hear about it in the body of the work and new series coming in the future. Join our mailing list to learn more and receive future updates.

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