Join José at the Gathering of the Shamans
May 2-4, 2025 in Sedona. Come learn more extraordinary practices for spiritual transformation!
Understanding the Los Angeles Area Fires
This is a huge event and truly impactful in ways that people cannot deny, ignore, or minimize and pretend that nothing is happening out of the ordinary. This is a massive purification for the area. Fire is always purification and wind is change. Courage is the big lesson for the month.
The Goddess Is Here
The Goddess is here and always has been but for a very long time she has been hidden away behind veils of denial from world culture that has supported patriarchy, supported science divorced from spirituality, and become hopelessly addicted to the god of money to the detriment and destruction of mother earth. But that old…
Change Has Come
I was in the Peruvian Amazon jungle for the elections and just returned. This was the second time I was in the Amazon when this president was elected…..
Adaptability and Flexibility
Recently, some of you participated in our online remote healing session where I talked about some very intense events regarding the Sun and the Moon that had just occurred. I mentioned at the time that I would put some of the main points in writing so that you did not have to take notes and…
Directives and Expectations
Let’s begin with expectations. We are born into families, cultures, religions, subcultures, and social strata that all teach what life is supposed to look like according to their belief systems. These various influences provide a great many details that hypnotize us into believing that the world operates exactly this way.
The True Meaning of Support
The main theme for these times is support: allowing support, receiving support, and giving support. Let’s begin with these three main aspects of support. It does not occur to most of us that allowing support is important but the truth is that it is the foundation of all support. If you cannot allow it, then…