Profiting From Moving Up to Higher Octaves
In a past article on resonance I briefly mentioned the notion that fields have higher and lower ranges that we can choose to resonate with. In life we are always presented with options, possibilities, and choices about what we want to be in harmony or accord with. You could say that each field of experience…
Exploring Beyond the Maps
Maps are essential for locating yourself and finding where you have been and where you are headed. This is true for google or Apple maps and it is equally true for maps of consciousness. However, your smartphone map will not tell you that there is a spectacular sunset going on at mile marker 35 because…
The Challenge of Changing Octaves
By now you are probably well aware that we are in a massive paradigm shift on this planet and that this transformational shift has been waiting in the wings for us for a long, long time. Various prophecies including the Mayans, the Toltecs, the Hopis, and the Tibetans have pinpointed the current unique set of…
The Weirdness of Talking: Can We Actually Ever Tell the Truth?
(Warning: This is a weird article, enjoy) As I study the writings of great spiritual teachers of various traditions and cultural backgrounds, including my own essence communication with Spirit, I have come to appreciate the nuances of words and language used to convey accurately the highest truths. The Hindus, Tibetan Buddhists, Zen Buddhists, Taoists, Sufis,…
Cultivating Abilities That Come With Access To The Higher Octave
Recently, I have written about identifying and using the upper room as a tool to rise to the upper octave of awareness. Here in this article, we are going to go a step further by understanding that our senses themselves have an upper octave component. Now if this sounds confusing, don’t worry, I will explain…
Dealing with Procrastination
Almost everyone struggles with procrastination in some aspect of their life. For some it amounts to a mild inconvenience and for others it can have disastrous consequences touching upon almost every part of life. Given that is the case it would help if we knew something more about the dynamics of it and how to…
Losing Faith in Spirit – What Does it Mean?
Recently, I have had many people tell me that they are struggling to keep their faith in Spirit during these challenging and changing times. Some of these are long term followers of spiritual traditions and people who have strong practices. They are wondering why, even if they pray or meditate every day, their lives are…
Discovering the Power of Perception
In this article we are going to revisit the topic of perception and how important changing our way of looking at the world and ourselves is in order to cope with new realities…. Some of the things I am going to say now reflect my own bias based on what I believe the long-term prospects…
Pleasure, Shame and Guilt
Warning: You may find this article somewhat disturbing because it may contain information that directly contradicts what you perhaps always believed to be true. Try to read it from a neutral place.
The Importance of Shamanic Wisdom Regarding Hallucinogenic Plants
The previous article focused on the problems that can occur when someone combines pharmaceutical medicines and chemical compounds from the laboratory with natural entheogenic plants that have not been altered in any significant way. Here we will continue the discussion about the great interest by the general public in indigenous plant medicines and the need…