I just finished reading Encounters with Power and I just wanted to say thank you to Jose for writing such a wonderfully kind, insightful and inspirational book. It was a great help for me as I work to integrate the experiences I had on a recent retreat with a shipibo shaman that brought to fore a lot of difficult repressed childhood trauma. Please pass along my sincere gratitude for the help he has given me through the stories of his experiences.

Articles by José Stevens
José Luis Stevens, PhD is the President and Co-Founder (with wife Lena) of Power Path Seminars, an international school and consulting firm dedicated to the study and application of shamanism and indigenous wisdom to business and everyday life. José completed a ten-year apprenticeship with a Huichol (Wixarika) Maracame (Huichol shaman) in the Sierras of Central Mexico. In addition, he is studying with Shipibo shamans in the Peruvian Amazon and with Paqos (shamans) in the Andes in Peru. In 1983 he completed his doctoral dissertation at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the interface between shamanism and western psychological counseling. Since then, he has studied cross-cultural shamanism around the world to distill the core elements of shamanic healing and practice. He is the author of twenty books and numerous articles including The Shaman’s Book of Extraordinary Practices, How To Pray The Shaman’s Way, Encounters With Power; Awaken The Inner Shaman; The Power Path; Secrets of Shamanism; Transforming Your Dragons; and Praying With Power.
A New Jose Stevens Article
Raising Your Frequency
Read More: Raising Your FrequencyThe pope resigns, a different pope arises, a meteor falls from the sky as an asteroid whizzes past, the United States goes off the fiscal cliff and loses the ability to govern effectively, icons fall fast, and many other crazy events have taken place in an extremely short period of time. Everybody laughed when the…
A New Jose Stevens Article
The Power Of Forgiving Yourself And The World
Read More: The Power Of Forgiving Yourself And The WorldGuilt is the price for doing something that violates your integrity or value system. Even people who are incapable of feeling compassion suffer from some sense of guilt, often at a subconscious level. You can readily see this as their lives go quickly downhill after they have committed a murder or have done something very…
A New Jose Stevens Article
The Shamanic Way Of Forgiveness
Read More: The Shamanic Way Of ForgivenessTwo thousand years ago, a great shamanic teacher taught the masses about the power of forgiveness, but few at the time understood what he was saying. This was his way of talking about detachment, about getting to neutral, about clearing all the debt and baggage that kept us stuck in tired out patterns. Through example,…
A New Jose Stevens Article
The Solstice 12/21/12 And Beyond: A Mayan View And More
Read More: The Solstice 12/21/12 And Beyond: A Mayan View And MoreBy now all of you must be well aware of the ending of the Mayan long count Calendar on the Solstice, December 21, 2012 and all the hoopla that surrounds it. Shamanically speaking, according to the Mayans it is not the end of the world, just the end of an era, a shift from the…
A New Jose Stevens Article
The Immense Results of a Plant Diet
Read More: The Immense Results of a Plant Diet(Hint: For best results read all the way through even if you are not interested in plant diets.)Two days ago I returned from two weeks with some Shipibos, an upper Amazon tribe in Peru who supervise plant diets. I was there to do another of many plant diets, seven days in a row of drinking…
A New Jose Stevens Article
Lessons About Love
Read More: Lessons About LoveDuring the 1990’s I was invited to perform as the staff Psychologist at Sol Y Sombra, a beautiful twenty acre estate in Santa Fe, once owned by Georgia O’Keefe. It had been bought by Charles and Beth Miller of Texas and turned into a showcase for sustainable living. Sol y Sombra became a salon for…
A New Jose Stevens Article
The Challenge Of Creating Our Future
Read More: The Challenge Of Creating Our FutureThe frequency of the Earth is shifting, The hertz frequency of the earth is dropping temporarily while changes are being made from the core of the galaxy and from beyond this galaxy. This affects every human, animal, and plant on the planet and the climates and atmospheres of every planet in the solar system. We…
A New Jose Stevens Article
The Mayan Calendar, 2012: A Vision for a New World
Read More: The Mayan Calendar, 2012: A Vision for a New WorldA recent visit to Guatemala to visit Mayan Shamans and Ceremonialists brought the whole question of where this planet is headed into vivid clarity. For months now, I have been doing research into the Mayan Calendar, Hopi, Qero, Tibetan, and other prophecies, astrological predictions, and whatever else sheds light on where we are headed. It…
A New Jose Stevens Article
Revisiting The Past: When A Reunion Is A Healing
Read More: Revisiting The Past: When A Reunion Is A HealingOne day an email came from an old grammar school classmate. He sent me a picture of my grammar school class and asked me if I could help him identify some of the people in the picture. He was organizing a fifty-year class reunion. The truth was, we had never had a reunion before and…
A New Jose Stevens Article
Working With Physical Challenges
Read More: Working With Physical ChallengesIn August of 2011 Lena and I decided to take a much needed short local vacation after months of hard work. Both of us were in great need of being in the great outdoors and doing something physical after months of Power Path events, writing, and seeing clients. We ventured out to Canyon de Chelly…