Adam Shaening – Pokrasso – Santa Fe, NM

Shamanic Practitioners > Adam Shaening – Pokrasso – Santa Fe, NM

Adam is an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner specializing in one-on-one healing sessions, working with plant and animal allies, healing songs, and focused meditations. His focus is on individual healing, deepening one’s relationship to spirit, and personal and professional growth. Adam has completed all Advanced Practitioner Training with the Power Path and continues to study and draw resources from Central and South American indigenous traditions and healing modalities to support his clients to heal pain and trauma and awaken inspiration in their lives.

Adam is also the Vice President of the board of directors for the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange – a non-profit dedicated to sustaining wisdom, culture, practice, and traditional ways of life of Indigenous people worldwide.

Sessions by appointment – available for in-person or remote sessions by phone.

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