Elizabeth Krasnoff – Los Angeles, CA/New York, NY

Shamanic Practitioners > Elizabeth Krasnoff – Los Angeles, CA/New York, NY

Elizabeth W. Krasnoff, Shamanic Practitioner, finds great joy in supporting clients to raise their fundamental frequency to the higher heart notes of gratitude, compassion, joy, love or serenity. We work together to release blocks and patterns that are no longer useful in the personality, relationships or family systems, restoring harmony and balance in their lives.

Elizabeth has completed the Power Path One Year Program and subsequent Level 1 and 2 Practitioner Training series. In addition to offering a private practice in these modalities, Elizabeth’s own daily spiritual practice and healing journey derive from the shamanic frameworks passed on to her by the Stevens family, whose lineage is the Huichol in Mexico and the Shipibo in Peru.

She specifically focuses on the modalities of voice and song. Elizabeth is thrilled to share these powerful and practical frameworks with her clients.

Sessions by appointment:

Remote phone sessions

In-person sessions

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