Gabe Nosseir – Albuquerque, NM

Shamanic Practitioners > Gabe Nosseir – Albuquerque, NM

Gabe identifies and helps you to clear your unconscious and conscious thought patterns, which dim your personal energy field, leading to emotional and physical discomfort.  Through  the use of icaros and plant and animal spirit allies, Gabe helps to increase your personal frequency, leaving you with a greater capacity in all aspects of your life.

With a background in Mental Health Counseling and entrepreneurship, Gabe specializes in self-esteem expansion, relationship dynamics, parenting, adolescents, physical health, leadership, and professional development. Gabe completed Power Path’s One-Year Shamanic Studies program and subsequent Shamanic Practitioner Level 1 & 2 trainings.

He is available for remote & in-person Shamanic Healings and House/Land clearings by appointment.

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