Jen Prince – Calabasas, CA

Shamanic Practitioners > Jen Prince – Calabasas, CA

Jen Prince is an advanced shamanic practitioner with the Power Path and has begun a life long study of indigenous shamanic traditions including study with the Shipibo in the Peruvian Amazon and with the Huichol in Northern Mexico. She has complete a one year program, Levels 1 and 2 and advanced practitioners training.

Using a variety of shamanic tools, Jen helps clients that she works with reconnect to nature’s healing presence and to clear out what is no longer serving them energetically. She also helps them to raise their energetic vibration and to access more peace, love and tranquility.

Available to do in-person & remote healing work with people, with animals (big and small either remotely or locally in home), home/space clearings, and shamanic healing clinics.

Sessions by appointment

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