Jill Austin – Nashville, TN

Shamanic Practitioners > Jill Austin – Nashville, TN

Jill (“GiGi”) Austin offers Shamanic Healings that support cleaning out what no longer serves and bringing in vibrancy and aliveness.

Trained as an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner through the Power Path, GiGi is passionate about clearing old patterns that get in the way of growth and healthy change.  Sessions incorporate sacred tools such as singing, drumming, rattling, and feather work and draw on the traditions of the Wixárika (Huichol) in Mexico and the Shipibo in Peru.  Jill has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.

One-on-one remote sessions available by appointment.

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