Jim Rogers

Jim is an advanced shamanic practitioner trained by the PowerPath, having completed a one year program, Subsequent Levels 1 and 2 and advanced practitioners training. His work is deeply rooted in the indigenous practices of the Shipibo in Peru and the Wixarika (Huichol) in Mexico. He is also a mesa carrier in the Rainbow lineage of Chinchero (Cusco),Peru.

Jim’s healing work revolves around using sacred icaros (songs) to call in plant, animal, and other natural allies; feather work to clear heavy energies; and the divine masculine (apus) and feminine (nustas) allies of his mesa to bring in highly refined energies (sami). Jim is available for healings to bring you into alignment with your higher self and connect to spirit. He also helps individuals gain insights into personal blocks and can help them develop strategies to experience a more heart-centered life.

He is available for both in-person and remote sessions.

Northern Utah


[email protected]

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