Katie Oberlin – Chicago, IL

Shamanic Practitioners > Katie Oberlin – Chicago, IL

Katie Oberlin is a shamanic practitioner trained by the Power Path. She has completed the One year Shamanic Studies Program and subsequent Level 1 and 2 practitioner trainings. She believes profound transformation is possible when the root cause of symptoms, illnesses, and imbalances is addressed. With over 10 years of study and experience in shamanism and Healing Touch energy therapy, Katie has created an approach that embraces the beauty, wonder, and healing potential found in the natural environment. Specialties include feather clearing, drum journeying, soul retrieval, and re-patterning of energy through music and icaros. By embracing the unique needs of each person she serves, Katie’s clients are empowered to find wholeness in body, mind and spirit.

In-person and remote Shamanic Healing sessions, home/office clearings and blessings.

By appointment only.

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