Kimia Maleki – Santa Fe, NM

Shamanic Practitioners > Kimia Maleki – Santa Fe, NM

Kimia is a practitioner who has been in the healing arts for seven years. She has completed the Power Path One Year Program and Level 1 and 2 Practitioner Trainings and is committed to continued training with the lineages of the Shipibo of Peru and the Wixárika (Huichol) of Mexico. Kimia’s passion is teaching and facilitating others to transform and alchemize what is unconscious and suppressed into personal gold.  With a speciality in clearing familial imprinting & blockages, and emotional & trauma processing, she combines ancient and indigenous healing practices with therapeutic techniques and song to create a safe space for deep healing to find personal medicine, purpose and voice.

Kimia is available for in person or remote healings, teachings, circles and groups.

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