Margaret Buchanan – Strasburg, CO

Shamanic Practitioners > Margaret Buchanan – Strasburg, CO

Available for remote as well as in person sessions by appointment.

Margaret is a graduate of the Power Path’s School of Shamanic Studies one year intensive program and subsequent Level 1, Level 2 and Advanced Practitioner trainings with the Power Path. She is an advanced practitioner. Involved in the healing arts for the past 15 years, Margaret focuses on both people and animals combining healing techniques from the Shipibo and Huichol traditions, working with energy meridians of the body, and including songs of healing, feather work, use of tobacco, agua florida, and intuitive energy work to assist in moving blocks or obstacles.  She has training in the medical field as well as in alternative therapies and her sessions include working with fields to connect to the highest vibration possible. Margaret has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on Death and Dying, assisting those in the process of transition as well as supporting the family structure and those left behind. She has also completed the Power Path practitioners specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.

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