Matthew Bryant

Shamanic Practitioners > Matthew Bryant

Matthew Bryant, Advanced Shamanic Practitioner has been working with people for 15 years including the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. His passion for learning and energetic openness allows people to step into their true selves, fostering deep healing and expansive learning. Matthew offers an approach that focuses on cleansing, strengthening, supporting, and comprehensively healing through Shamanic principles.

In addition to completing the Power Path One Year Program, Practitioner level 1, 2, and Advanced Practitioner Training, Matthew is on his own dedicated spiritual journey studying with the Huichol in Mexico yearly and the Shipibo in Peru among other studies to further his practice. Matt has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on Death and Dying, assisting those in the process of transition as well as supporting the family structure and those left behind. He has also completed the Power Path practitioners specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.

Matthew believes strongly in the power of this work as it has helped him facilitate massive positive changes in his own life. He would love to be a supportive functional role in your journey.  Contact him directly to set up a session.

Sessions by Appointment

Available over the Phone or Zoom , In-Person between Illinois – Arizona – Peru

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