Melanie Crandall – Carbondale, CO

Shamanic Practitioners > Melanie Crandall – Carbondale, CO

Melanie specializes in seeing the deeper emotions, patterns and paradigms that hold you back, keeping you stuck and knocking you out of your power. Using her shamanic tools, she calls forth the Nature and Elemental realms to create a Sacred field of amplified energy that vibrates at a higher frequency…This field then brings forth greater healing and allows you to create a new way of being.  A new way of YOU, to stand in your own power of your Divine truth.

Melanie has studied shamanism for many years and has completed the Level 1, 2 and Advanced practitioner trainings through the Power Path. She has also been a nurse for over 35 years specializing in Trauma and Emergency Medicine. Her gifts are multilayered. Melanie is available for in person sessions, property clearings, and remote sessions for healings.

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