Tarin S. Davies – Albuquerque, NM

Shamanic Practitioners > Tarin S. Davies – Albuquerque, NM

Tarin Davies has over 2 decades training and experience with the Power Path School of Shamanism including the intensive 2 year study program, Advanced Practitioner Training, and in-depth study with indigenous shamans from the Peruvian Andes, the Shipibo from the Amazon Basin, and the Huichol tradition from Mexico. She is a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach and she is also trained and certified with 19 years experience in Mind Clearing. Tarin brings a gentle, compassionate and heart-centered approach to all of her healing work.  She specializes in healing relationship with self, others and Spirit, as well as aligning with personal power and life purpose.

Sessions by appointment.

Remote/phone sessions available.

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