Death & Dying: Understanding the End of Life Transition – Online Course

There is a real desire to become more conscious and aware of the preparation, process, and aftermath of this powerful transition which effects all of us.  Death is an inevitable part of life and provides immense power and opportunity for learning.


With Jose Stevens and Anna Stevens Harrington

There is a real desire to become more conscious and aware of the preparation, process, and aftermath of this powerful transition which effects all of us.  Death is an inevitable part of life and provides immense power and opportunity for learning.

Join Jose and Anna as they offer a shamanic perspective and deeper understanding of this transition that touches us all and teach how you can be a support to yourself and others during the end-of-life time.

This approximately 90-minute course was recorded as a live webinar with Jose and Anna in the fall of 2023 and explores the enormous terrain of what happens around the death process to both those who are dying and those left behind.

The course includes a bonus 25 minute Question and answer section also recorded from the original live webinar.


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