Shamanic Mindfulness Online Course

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.

A new Power Path Course on the most popular subject of “Mindfulness”, from a shamanic perspective. What is mindfulness? With everything going on these days that is intense, potentially disturbing, out of control, reactionary and overwhelming, how can the practice of “Mindfulness” help you ground, balance and be more present and available for all the positive opportunities? Join Jose Stevens as he speaks to these questions from a shamanic perspective. You will come away with a deeper understanding of “Mindfulness” and practical tools to practice it in your daily life.

$19.95, 1 hour

Please click here to register


You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.
