With Jose, Lena and Anna Stevens
Our extensive shamanic training program began in the year 2000 with a seventeen-day intensive course that quickly ballooned to a two-year course through participant demand. This two-year course involved extensive travel to the Andes in Peru, the Amazon, Guatemala, and Mexico to meet and study with shamans on site. Eventually, as this type of travel became progressively more expensive and was quite time consuming, there were many requests from people to slim it down to one year with less travel and more teaching.
So, in 2009, the one-year programs commenced and have been running every year to the present. The newer one-year program no longer travels to Peru and Guatemala, but continues with local travel to powerful sites in the Southwest states and Mexico. Much of it takes place at our private 1,000 acre ranch in Northern New Mexico.
The purpose of this program is to learn about the shamanic path, from ancient to modern through powerful practices, ceremonies, much time in nature, wilderness solos and other shamanic experiences, to assimilate its wisdom and integrate it fully into daily life.
Participants must be in good physical and emotional condition, able to be in altitudes up to 9 thousand feet, hike on uneven ground, camp and sleep in a tent, and participate in all events; some requiring early morning qi gong and sometimes staying up at night.
Each meeting includes song, movement, storytelling, prayer, creative expression, ceremony and practices for building personal power.
Since the study of shamanism is many thousands of years old, students have the opportunity to learn skills and ways of seeing the world that has since been forgotten or neglected in our modern culture. Many of these practices and techniques are extremely powerful and make one much more effective in managing projects, relationships, and general life affairs.
Students form a supportive community for the year. The program is open to those who have an interest in shamanism as a life path. Prior experience with shamanism is not required but is helpful.
Many of our graduates form a tight community of hundreds of people who have shared similar training and experiences and who count each other as their friends and colleagues. Graduates of this program can be found running multinational enterprises, management consulting, directing nonprofits, healing and coaching.
There are many advanced opportunities available to our one-year program graduates including practitioners trainings, pilgrimages to Mexico to work with the Wixarika (Huichols), trips to the Peruvian Amazon to do plant diets with the Shipibo and journeys to the Andes to visit the Stone Forest and work with Paqos there as well.
If you have any questions please call the office at 505-982-8732 or [email protected]
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