Shamanic Q & A

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.


What is the best way to rest in a moving centered year?


This depends somewhat on what your other centers are doing. If you are emotionally centered then you might want to listen to music, float in water, garden, travel by boat, paint, go out to eat, or do something relaxing that is also food for the emotional center. If you are intellectually centered then you might want to read, watch a movie that requires some thought, study the sky at night, or contemplate some philosophy. If you are moving centered then you might want to walk, hike, go for a ride in your car, go for a relaxing run or something more active. Everyone could go for a nap, lounge in a hammock, or space out in front of an entertaining TV show or movie.


Can you comment on the Penn State debacle? I am an alum and always believed in the integrity of Joe Paterno, so this is shocking to me and of course, very distressing. I would appreciate your insights on this.


This is simply part of a larger pattern of icons falling at this time, signaling a shift in values and paradigm for the future. It points to the old value that anything is acceptable in the high stakes world of making high profits and winning at all costs. The scandal also illustrates the fact that cover up of sexual abuse is not exclusive to the Catholic Church. This is a high profile drama meant to teach a new set of values. Many have been shocked by this distressing chain of events. Shock is often needed to ensure big changes.


Can you say anything about the major sunspot activity developing this year and next year?


The sun figures big in these times of change. While sunspot activity increases every eleven years for a year or so this increase is already considered to be the most intense in many decades, perhaps centuries. NASA and other government agencies are already on high alert and very concerned about the effect solar flares will have on telecommunications networks all over the world.

The sun is evolving like everything else and rather than being a huge body of matter that is slowly burning itself out it is a highly intelligent being dedicated to service and leadership of the solar system. It is now in a powerful state of transformation, moving up the scale of its own growth and evolution and impacting the entire solar system in the process. Grand solar flares are part of its expression of development. None of this is accidental and it has been anticipated for centuries by highly evolved human beings with the powers of perception. When the sun makes its move all of Earth is influenced by its transformation of consciousness. Ready or not here it comes. All human beings will be impacted by these great storms, flares, and sunspots, more than usual. What scientist fail to notice is that the human central nervous system and electromagnetic field is way more sensitive than the most highly developed satellite systems. If a solar flare can knock out a satellite what is it doing to the electromagnetic system of human beings, animals, and plants? Overall it will act like a thump on the head for most of humanity. For some it will knock them into sanity. For others it will knock them into insanity. What will it do to you? You decide.

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.
