New Moon Update ~ March 29, 2025

You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.

The New Moon with a partial solar eclipse in Aries is Saturday, March 29th at 4:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

Dear Friends,

This moon marks a completion point of a cycle that began in the spring of 2023. It is a good time to think back and reflect on where you are today as opposed to where you were at that time. What has changed? What is different in your relationships, your community, your dreams, desires, and intentions? It is always powerful to acknowledge what is no longer an important or relevant part of your life and to let it go with grace and gratitude.

Acknowledge also the wisdom that you have now based on your experiences and growth over the past couple of years. This new moon eclipse is the bookend of a couple of very intense weeks of dramatic evolutionary change. The energy is less stagnant now, however it is wise to continue to be vigilant and mindful of our reactions, impulses and communications. It will take some time for this change to move from its energetic and spiritual form to manifest in a way that we can experience it in the physical. Trust and patience are needed at this time as we move into this new cycle and it is important to keep our integrity, authenticity and vibration high as we navigate forward. We are being pushed up into the next level whether the personality is ready for it or not. Remember that nothing happens without a reason. Be in humor and try and enjoy the ride!


Join Lena on March 31 for Weekly Wisdoms, 9am MDT, to help set yourself up for the week in the best way possible. (link here)

Join Lena for a remote shamanic healing and wisdom session in the aftermath of this new moon and eclipse to reset energies moving forward Monday, March 31, 7PM MDT (link here)

Lena Stevens

Lena is an internationally known teacher and shamanic practitioner. She apprenticed for 10 years with a Huichol Shaman from Mexico and has studied cross cultural shamanic healing from many traditions including the Amazon basin, Native American, Northern European and Siberian. Lena has taught and worked with individuals, groups, businesses and communities for the past 25 years, helping to bring shamanic nature based wisdom back into people’s lives. One of her specialities is the woven song tradition of the Shipibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, the singing of Icaros or healing songs. The individual healing work with these energy patterns through song and other shamanic techniques has had a powerful impact on her clients. Lena is the co-author of the “Secrets of Shamanism, How to Tap the Spirit Power Within” and a contributor to “The Power Path”. Along with husband and partner Jose, she is the co-founder and one of the primary instructors of Power Path Seminars and the School of Shamanism.

Weekly Wisdoms with Lena ~ March 31


Grab your coffee, tea or smoothie and join Lena for wisdoms, practices and suggestions designed to set up your week in the best way possible. 45 minutes, including live Q&A. Monday, March 31st at 9AM Mountain Time, on ZOOM. A recording will be available for 48 hours after the session

Baby Steps to Handle Big Ego Problems

In Buddhist and many other esoteric teachings such as the Michael Teachings, you will often hear about the problems created by the ego or false personality, the parts of ourselves that influence us to think of ourselves as separate selves, the fear-based notion that produces all suffering. While this is totally accurate it is only a partial picture of a bigger reality that is also true, a greater understanding that can enlighten us further.
Read More Baby Steps to Handle Big Ego Problems

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You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish, so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files, including lectures, music and/or sound meditations, may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.
