Shamanic Practitioners
All the shamanic practitioners listed on this page have completed a one or two year studies program with the Power Path as well as our basic practitioners trainings. Practitioners who are noted as advanced practitioners have completed an advanced training requiring a deeper commitment of further prerequisites both with the Shipibo in Peru and the Huichol in Mexico. The Power Path does not personally recommend or endorse any one practitioner over another or participate in any scheduling or financial arrangements. We would, however, like to hear if you have any issues with any one of the practitioners listed on this page.
Akeem Sami
HI! I am Akeem, a graduate of the 1 year shamanic studies program since 2018 and have completed the Level 1 and 2 and Advanced Shamanic Practitioner Trainings with the Power Path. I offer Shamanic healing facilitation, remote clearings for people, their spaces and land. I am also available for in person work for individuals, spaces and land. I am also available to help others connect to sacred spaces and allies for anchoring and grounding.
Jim Rogers
Jim is an advanced shamanic practitioner trained by the PowerPath, having completed a one year program, Subsequent Levels 1 and 2 and advanced practitioners training. His work is deeply rooted in the indigenous practices of the Shipibo in Peru and the Wixarika (Huichol) in Mexico. He is also a mesa carrier in the Rainbow lineage of Chinchero (Cusco),Peru.
Jim’s healing work revolves around using sacred icaros (songs) to call in plant, animal, and other natural allies; feather work to clear heavy energies; and the divine masculine (apus) and feminine (nustas) allies of his mesa to bring in highly refined energies (sami). Jim is available for healings to bring you into alignment with your higher self and connect to spirit. He also helps individuals gain insights into personal blocks and can help them develop strategies to experience a more heart-centered life.
He is available for both in-person and remote sessions.
Northern Utah
Renee A. Stephens, PhD
Renée offers shamanic healings for people, houses and land.
An intuitive shamanic practitioner, psychologist and life coach, Renée focuses on seeing beneath the surface and helping spirit heal the root causes of presenting issues. She is known for her simple yet potent insights and advice.
With a background in business and real estate, she blends real world knowledge with intuitive insights, a deep reverence for the spirits of the land and place, and shamanic tools for house and land clearings.
Renée worked for many years as a life coach focused on behavior change through deep spiritual and emotional healing. She is a trained intuitive reader and a level 2 Shamanic Practitioner through The Power Path. She holds an MBA and a PhD in psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). She speaks fluent Spanish.
Cindy Latham
Cindy has over 20 years of hands-on experience in alternative healing practices as a massage therapist, Trauma Touch Therapist™, energy worker, and trained intuitive. She has completed the Power Path’s One Year Shamanic Studies Program as well as the Level 1 and 2 practitioner trainings. Her biggest gift as a healer is her intuitive guidance to “see” what is needed for each session.
She specializes in helping each person reach their fullest potential through the release of trauma, and restoration, rebalancing and integration. She uses traditional shamanic tools, song, sound, and touch as guided for each individual.
Cindy is available for land and home clearings, and blessings, and has a keen sensitivity to vibrational frequencies of people and places.
Available for in-person or phone Shamanic Healing Sessions
To schedule land or home clearings and/or blessings please email me with some basic details so we can set up a phone discussion time.
Cassie Jaravata
Cassie Jaravata is a registered nurse, intuitive, and shamanic healer that strives to be a neutral guide, helping people connect with ancient wisdom for healing in modern times. Her shamanic practice draws from the traditions of the Wixarika (Huichol) of Northern Mexico, the Shipibo of the Peruvian Amazon, her own personal profound healing journey, and a variety of Indigenous Peoples of the Polynesian Islands – including her homeland of the Philippines. She specializes in navigating health issues, anxiety and depression, PTSD, grief, death, the breaking of patterns and toxic habits, life transitions, and ancestral healing. She has completed the one year studies program as well as subsequent levels 1 and 2, and advanced practitioners trainings with the Power Path.
Cassie is available for healing sessions (remote and in-person), home/land clearings, group and individual.
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 283-9003
Read More: Cassie JaravataMarla Petersen
Marla Petersen is a practitioner who has been interested and working in the healing arts for 8 years. She has completed the 1-year Power Path training as well as the level 1 and 2 practitioner training. In addition to her studies with Power Path, she has worked as a Yoga instructor, Reiki master, and is currently working on a certification in past life regression. She will continue training in the lineages of the Shipibo of Peru and the Huichol of Mexico. Marla is available for healings for people and animals as well as home clearings. Her use of rattles, sacred tobacco, feathers and singing in healing sessions shows a deep connection to traditional healing methods. One on one in person or remote sessions are available by appointment.
Heather Songster
Heather is an advanced Shamanic Practitioner who is deeply committed to connecting with Spirit every day and opening the fields of healing for her clients. She has completed the Power Path 1 year program, subsequent Levels 1, 2 and advanced practitioner trainings and continues to study with the Shipibo of Peru and the Wixárika of Mexico.
She specializes in ancestral patterning, initiating a shift in physical ailments to allow for expression of each individuals true essence. Her intuitive approach provides release and expansion through the use of icaros, feather work, tobacco clearing, and clairvoyant insight.
Heather has been a nurse for 20 years and is currently pursuing her Family Nurse Practitioner degree.
Tracy Shulsinger – Denver, CO
Tracy has completed The One Year Shamanic Studies Program as well as Level 1 and Level 2 Shamanic healing training with Power Path with allies from the indigenous lineages of Shipibo from Peru and Wixárika (Huichol) from Mexico. Also trained in Core Shamanism w/ Sandra Ingerman , Tracy adds feather work, tobacco clearings and protection, agua florida blessings and additional indigenous healing ways to her healing sessions.
Tracy is a family nurse practitioner in functional medicine, with a speciality in the body’s communication systems, and enjoys providing healing sessions for spiritual, emotional, physical and mental concerns including Spirit homework so clients can continue their own self care work.
For more information and to schedule a shamanic healing session:
Gabe Nosseir – Albuquerque, NM
Gabe identifies and helps you to clear your unconscious and conscious thought patterns, which dim your personal energy field, leading to emotional and physical discomfort. Through the use of icaros and plant and animal spirit allies, Gabe helps to increase your personal frequency, leaving you with a greater capacity in all aspects of your life.
With a background in Mental Health Counseling and entrepreneurship, Gabe specializes in self-esteem expansion, relationship dynamics, parenting, adolescents, physical health, leadership, and professional development. Gabe completed Power Path’s One-Year Shamanic Studies program and subsequent Shamanic Practitioner Level 1 & 2 trainings.
He is available for remote & in-person Shamanic Healings and House/Land clearings by appointment.
Kimia Maleki – Santa Fe, NM
Kimia is a practitioner who has been in the healing arts for seven years. She has completed the Power Path One Year Program and Level 1 and 2 Practitioner Trainings and is committed to continued training with the lineages of the Shipibo of Peru and the Wixárika (Huichol) of Mexico. Kimia’s passion is teaching and facilitating others to transform and alchemize what is unconscious and suppressed into personal gold. With a speciality in clearing familial imprinting & blockages, and emotional & trauma processing, she combines ancient and indigenous healing practices with therapeutic techniques and song to create a safe space for deep healing to find personal medicine, purpose and voice.
Kimia is available for in person or remote healings, teachings, circles and groups.
Sandra Gil-Romero
Sandra is originally from Peru and is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist with over 10 years of experience in many different healing modalities.
She has completed the one year Shamanic Studies program with the Power Path as well as the subsequent levels 1 and 2 and advanced practitioners training. She continues to learn from the Shipibo in the Amazon, the Wixarika in Mexico as well as from other healers around the world. She has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on Death and Dying, assisting those in the process of transition as well as supporting the family structure and those left behind.
Sandra uses many different tools and techniques and brings a compassionate and heart centered approach to healing.
Sessions are available in person and remotely. She is also available for land/ house clearings and blessings.
Vanessa Davis – Salt Lake City, UT
Vanessa Davis is an advanced shamanic practitioner offering a monthly Journey Circle and individual and family/group healings, teaching, coaching and mentoring sessions in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. She is a graduate of the Power Path Year long Shamanic Studies Program and has completed subsequent Level 1 and 2 and advanced practitioner training.
Vanessa is a Practitioner Psychologist/Systemic Family Therapist and specializes in End of Life Support.
Leita Schiemann – Gilbert, AZ
Leita Schiemann, Advanced Shamanic Practitioner, supports her clients in bringing balance to the transformational process that is their life. She has a special passion for supporting people who are amidst big life shifts.
In addition to completing the Power Path One Year Program and Advanced Practitioner Training, Leita is dedicated to her personal spiritual journey with the Wixárika (Huichol) in Mexico and the Shipibo in Peru. She draws on healing modalities from both these traditions in her work. Leita has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on Death and Dying, assisting those in the process of transition as well as supporting the family structure and those left behind. She has also completed the Power Path practitioners specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.
Leita is also a conscious embodiment/dance facilitator, where she incorporates shamanic principles to hold space and create an environment for deep healing experiences.
Sessions by appointment:
Remote phone sessions
In-person sessions
In-person house clearings
Patricia Rogers – Guadalupita, New Mexico
Patricia is available for in person and remote/phone sessions. Patricia has been actively invoked in the healing arts for over 15 years. She has completed the one year in depth shamanic training program, as well as the subsequent Level 1 & 2 and advanced practitioner training with The Power Path. She has been honored to spend with the Huichol in Mexico and Shipibo in Peru, and incorporates their practices in her healing sessions. Patricia works with Veterans and their families who have PTSD and deep trauma. She also has a private practice in Northern New Mexico. Patricia empowers others to become their authentic self by removing blocks and bringing in clarity and balance in her heart centered healings.
Adam Shaening – Pokrasso – Santa Fe, NM
Adam is an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner specializing in one-on-one healing sessions, working with plant and animal allies, healing songs, and focused meditations. His focus is on individual healing, deepening one’s relationship to spirit, and personal and professional growth. Adam has completed all Advanced Practitioner Training with the Power Path and continues to study and draw resources from Central and South American indigenous traditions and healing modalities to support his clients to heal pain and trauma and awaken inspiration in their lives.
Adam is also the Vice President of the board of directors for the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange – a non-profit dedicated to sustaining wisdom, culture, practice, and traditional ways of life of Indigenous people worldwide.
Sessions by appointment – available for in-person or remote sessions by phone.
Lianne Joy – Santa Fe, NM
Lianne Joy has studied Shamanism extensively and has completed the Advanced Practitioner Training through The Power Path. She intends that her sessions support clients to experience a deeper embodiment of their divinity, a compassionate embrace of their full-spectrum humanity and a freer truer expression of their one-of-a-kind intersection of the two. In holding space to catalyze healing, and with empathy and intuition, Lianne is honored to be of service in supporting others who also feel the call to live whole-heartedly and in courageous alignment with their essence.
Leah Pokrasso – Santa Fe, NM
Leah offers a safe and nurturing space for healing. She is a certified Advanced Shamanic Practitioner who has studied with the Power Path, a school rooted in the indigenous lineages of the Shipibo of Peru and the Wixárika (Huichol) of Mexico. Her sessions consist of singing healing songs also known as icaros, the use of sacred tobacco, rattle, agua florida, feathers and other healing tools. The sessions provide a space for clearing and to make space for more love, inner peace and trust.
Leah is available for in person or remote healings. You can email or call to make an appointment or to learn more.
Annette Frost Jensen – Chicago, IL
Available for In-Person/Remote Shamanic Healing Sessions. Home/Land Clearings.
Annette completed the Power Path One Year Program, as well as Level 1, Level 2 and Advanced Practitioner Training. She studied with the Wixarika (Huichol) in Mexico and the Shipibo in the Peruvian Amazon. In addition, she studied with a variety of other teachers which includes one-on-one training in Scandinavian Shamanism in Denmark.
Her work focuses on removing old patterns and bringing balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit, and opening one to greater wholeness, authenticity, power, and creativity.
Her specialities include healing through song, toning, drumming, featherwork, extraction, and soul retrieval.
Malana Redpath – Detroit, MI
Available for Shamanic healing sessions in person or remotely by phone/Zoom, house/land clearings. Sessions are by appointment.
Malana is an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner located in the Detroit, MI area. She received her Shamanic Practitioner training through the Power Path, which included the One Year Program, as well as the subsequent Level 1, 2 and Advanced Practitioner training programs. Malana has also had the privilege of traveling to work directly with Shamans in Peru, Central Mexico, and Brazil.
Malana works with her Guides and Allies to help clients clear, rebalance, ground, and gain greater clarity around their intentions. Shamanic healings include Shamanic healing songs (Icaros), energy clearing with feathers, drum, rattle, Koshi chimes, and Shipibo massage (in-person sessions only).
Kerri Hummingbird Sami – Austin, TX
Kerri is an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner with over 10 years of experience, who has studied shamanism with The Power Path for 7 years and completed the One Year Program and Level I, Level II and Advanced Practitioner Training. Her specialties include healing through song, icaros, inner child and mother wound healing, and shamanic journey as well as house/space clearings, ceremony and ritual.
Sessions by appointment in person or remote by phone.
Mashell Parent – Prescott, AZ
Mashell has been studying with The Power Path School of Shamanism since 2015. She has completed the One Year Program as well as Level 1, Level 2, and Advanced Practitioner Trainings. She has had the tremendous blessing of continued immersion study with the Shipibo of Peru and Wixárika (Huichol) of Mexico. Through guided use of icaros, plant and animal allies, and a variety of sacred tools she provides a supportive space to release stuck patterning and more fully embody your authentic being.
Mashell is available for remote and in-person healing sessions.Chela Gurnee – Albuquerque, NM
Chela is an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner trained through The Power Path. She has completed the Power Path One Year program, levels 1 and 2 practitioner trainings as well as the Advanced Shamanic Practitioner Training and the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more. Her Shamanic work is inspired by working directly with (and in the lineage of) the Shipibo in Peru and the Wixarika (Huichol) of Mexico.
Chela specializes in supporting clients to clear and release stuck energies and patterns holding them back from reaching their full health and potential. She taps into her intuitive abilities, the spirit realm of animals, crystals and plant allies for guidance, support and messages throughout the healing. Other tools of healing used are song (icaros), sacred tobacco, feathers, Agua de Florida, Shipibo massage and other shamanic modalities.
Chela is available for in-person and remote shamanic healing sessions as well as in-person house and land clearing and blessings.
Please email for more information and to schedule a session.
Albuquerque, NM
Read More: Chela Gurnee – Albuquerque, NMGenie Hobbs – Denver, CO
Sessions by appointment.
Genie Hobbs, Advanced Shamanic Practitioner, combines contemporary therapeutic methods with ancient indigenous wisdom to support a connection to your heart, inner wisdom, and personal power to help you create a life that is meaningful and authentic. Genie has studied the Indigenous Huichol tradition from Mexico and the Shipibo tradition in the Peruvian Amazon. Also a licensed clinical social worker, Genie has a well rounded approach suitable for a variety of goals and personality styles. Genie has completed the Advanced Practitioner Training with the Power Path. Most recently, Genie has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on Death and Dying, assisting those in the process of transition as well as supporting the family structure and those left behind. She has also completed the Power Path practitioners specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.
Patricia Choate – Minneapolis, MN
Patricia is a Power Path trained advanced shamanic practitioner, having completed a one year program and subsequent Levels 1, 2 and advanced practitioner trainings. Her heart-centered healing work makes use of healing songs (including Amazonian icaros), sacred tobacco, agua florida, rattle, feathers and healing stones. She specializes in working with family members whose loved ones struggle with addiction.
Patti lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is available for in-person and remote healing sessions.
Alan Davis – Salt Lake City, UT
Alan Davis is a shamanic practitioner available for healing by appointment for local in person sessions or remotely by phone/Zoom. His training comes through the Power Path (one year program, Levels 1 and 2, and advanced practitioners training) and core shamanism. Alan supports finding your true north though song, energetic clearing, ancient healing techniques and accessing who you really are. He is a physician (MD) with particular interest supporting your call to healing, clearing burnout, finding new direction, and life’s transitions.
Melanie Crandall – Carbondale, CO
Melanie specializes in seeing the deeper emotions, patterns and paradigms that hold you back, keeping you stuck and knocking you out of your power. Using her shamanic tools, she calls forth the Nature and Elemental realms to create a Sacred field of amplified energy that vibrates at a higher frequency…This field then brings forth greater healing and allows you to create a new way of being. A new way of YOU, to stand in your own power of your Divine truth.
Melanie has studied shamanism for many years and has completed the Level 1, 2 and Advanced practitioner trainings through the Power Path. She has also been a nurse for over 35 years specializing in Trauma and Emergency Medicine. Her gifts are multilayered. Melanie is available for in person sessions, property clearings, and remote sessions for healings.
Carlos Martinez – Austin, TX
Carlos specializes in supporting people in the balancing of their masculine and feminine aspects, awaking their balance and power from within. He is a graduate of the Power Path School of Shamanism Shamanic Studies program. Carlos has completed their one year intensive program and subsequent Level 1, 2 and Advanced Practitioner Trainings. Carlos is dedicated to his spiritual studies in Mexico with the Wixarika (Huichol) people and in Peru with the Shipibo. He is a community leader for Shamanism without Borders.
Carlos is available for in person healings, blessings, property clearings, and remotely for healings and blessings.Jill Austin – Nashville, TN
Jill (“GiGi”) Austin offers Shamanic Healings that support cleaning out what no longer serves and bringing in vibrancy and aliveness.
Trained as an Advanced Shamanic Practitioner through the Power Path, GiGi is passionate about clearing old patterns that get in the way of growth and healthy change. Sessions incorporate sacred tools such as singing, drumming, rattling, and feather work and draw on the traditions of the Wixárika (Huichol) in Mexico and the Shipibo in Peru. Jill has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.
One-on-one remote sessions available by appointment.
Roxanne Malcolm – Santa Fe, NM
Individuals, spaces, land. In-person or remote, By appointment.
Roxanne specializes in womb health, fertility & conscious conception, birth, postpartum, family constellations and rites of passage.
Roxanne has completed the Power Path One Year Apprenticeship and Levels 1 & 2 Practitioner’s Trainings and is an active member of Society of Shamanic Practice (SSP). She is studied & practiced in the arts of the Wixárika (Huichol) of Central Mexico and Shipibo of the Peruvian Amazon.
Margaret Buchanan – Strasburg, CO
Available for remote as well as in person sessions by appointment.
Margaret is a graduate of the Power Path’s School of Shamanic Studies one year intensive program and subsequent Level 1, Level 2 and Advanced Practitioner trainings with the Power Path. She is an advanced practitioner. Involved in the healing arts for the past 15 years, Margaret focuses on both people and animals combining healing techniques from the Shipibo and Huichol traditions, working with energy meridians of the body, and including songs of healing, feather work, use of tobacco, agua florida, and intuitive energy work to assist in moving blocks or obstacles. She has training in the medical field as well as in alternative therapies and her sessions include working with fields to connect to the highest vibration possible. Margaret has completed the Power Path practitioner’s specialized training on Death and Dying, assisting those in the process of transition as well as supporting the family structure and those left behind. She has also completed the Power Path practitioners specialized training on providing ceremonial, ritual, celebration and transition events for important events and life transitions including endings, beginnings, birth, death, coming of age, major life changes, marriages, separations and more.