Articles & Forecast

The Power Path has an extensive library of Shamanic News & Events, Monthly Forecasts, Moon updates, and articles to help guide you on the Power Path.

Our Monthly Forecast and its complimentary Moon Update offer a practical shamanic alternative to the more traditional monthly astrological horoscope.

  • What Happened in Haiti

    Last month someone asked about Tiger Woods and I wrote about how some individuals volunteer to become an icon or symbol for humanity. They live bigger than life and dramatically represent some of the big lessons humanity faces. In the same way certain regions do this for the world. If the whole world represents the…

    Read More: What Happened in Haiti

  • What the Vampire Craze has to Teach Us About Ourselves and Current Times

    What the Vampire Craze has to Teach Us About Ourselves and Current Times

    The current vampire craze is a most interesting phenomenon that is becoming a bigger and bigger theme, especially among young people. Let us look at a brief history of where vampires originated, some of the particulars of vampirism, and recent developments to understand how this craze mirrors deeper processes in the human psyche. A brief…

    Read More: What the Vampire Craze has to Teach Us About Ourselves and Current Times

  • The Marriage of the Andes and the Amazon:

    The Marriage of the Andes and the Amazon:

    During the month of October I had the extraordinary opportunity to travel from the Peruvian Andes to the Amazon jungle, visiting in sequence the Q’ero people in the mountains and the Shipibo of the upper Amazon. This amazing trip was only partially a result of long term planning. While the trip to the jungle was…

    Read More: The Marriage of the Andes and the Amazon:

  • Transformation


    This is a personal story of recent events in the Amazon and the extraordinary experience I had there. The upper Amazon region of Peru is the home of the Shipibo people, a tribe of indigenous people who practice their ancient shamanic traditions and are known as the go to people for training shamans from all…

    Read More: Transformation

  • Shamanic Sunlight for the Green Generation

    Shamanic Sunlight for the Green Generation

    I consider myself to be a proud member of the green generation. I have grown up in a time where eating organic, holistic health, and riding your bike to work are constantly gaining in popularity. A time when North Americans are finally waking up to the harm they have caused our planet and have made…

    Read More: Shamanic Sunlight for the Green Generation

  • Lessons from Indochina: Of Temples, Caves, Monks, and Serpents

    Lessons from Indochina: Of Temples, Caves, Monks, and Serpents

    The last time I was in Bangkok, Thailand in 1976, there was a government coup. Later in the nineties as Lena and I arrived in Nepal, an insurrection was in full force leading us to hole up in our hotel under government curfew.

    Read More: Lessons from Indochina: Of Temples, Caves, Monks, and Serpents

  • Pilgrimage to Huichol Land

    Pilgrimage to Huichol Land

    Every year after dieting in the traditional way for a month ahead of time my family goes on our annual pilgrimage to the sacred Peyote gardens of the Huichol Indians of Mexico.

    Read More: Pilgrimage to Huichol Land

  • Synchronicities and Deep Lessons in Bolivia

    Synchronicities and Deep Lessons in Bolivia

    In February I traveled to Peru to help support a woman’s leadership conference held in Lima. Each year this conference is held in a different country of South or Central America.

    Read More: Synchronicities and Deep Lessons in Bolivia

  • Understanding Buddha and Christ’s Real Message

    Understanding Buddha and Christ’s Real Message

    Two of my favorite teachers and mentors are Siddhartha Gautama and Jesus of Nazareth, masters whose insight and clarity are extraordinarily valuable and even critical for self-awakening.

    Read More: Understanding Buddha and Christ’s Real Message

  • An Owl on the Road, Overcoming Fear

    My husband Aaron and I were driving up to Denver on our way to a family wedding. We were chatting about this and that and listening to music, and I was behind the wheel. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a large bird, obvious road kill, on the shoulder.

    Read More: An Owl on the Road, Overcoming Fear

Monthly Forecast Testimonials


I’ve been a reader since 2012 – … Your posts always provide a sense of perspective and a way to always use what’s stewing… for advancement toward your best self…”


Thank you for this update.  You will never know, unless I say something, how profoundly these words have landed in my consciousness. 


I’m so grateful for this message, the recording, and future themes of December.

Blessings to everyone involved in the instrumentation of such generous and beautiful healing.

Many many thanks


“Thanks for all of your time and effort to help us approach life with open hearts and mindful perspectives.”

Mae – San Mateo, CA

“The reason I love it is because it helps me to validate all that I am going through as even before the forecast comes I usually find myself in the energetic field you describe and so it just helps to confirm everything! It also helps me as it explains to me what’s happening. All in all, I love it and thank you for all you do!”





“I’m so grateful for this message, the recording, and future themes of December.

Blessings to everyone involved in the instrumentation of such generous and beautiful healing.

Many many thanks.”


Jose and Lena –

You have deeply touched my soul with your grace filled  , enlightened  and long lived information, and articulate words and knowledge. i’m grateful beyond belief . 

What a gift . Thank you . 

Ariel R, Healdsburg, CA

great source of comfort and support


Thank you for your guidance,  it is my touchstone!

Peace, light and abundant Love,


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By Jose Stevens

Moon Updates

By Lena Stevens

Monthly Forecast

By Lena Stevens

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