Articles & Forecast
The Power Path has an extensive library of Shamanic News & Events, Monthly Forecasts, Moon updates, and articles to help guide you on the Power Path.
Our Monthly Forecast and its complimentary Moon Update offer a practical shamanic alternative to the more traditional monthly astrological horoscope.
The Guatemala Test
Read More: The Guatemala TestSometimes, even after doing everything right, Essence throws curves at us just to see how we will manage them. This is the tale of such a test and perhaps an example of one way of managing it along with lessons learned. After an extraordinary trip to Huallay, the stone forest in the Andes of Central…
Newest E-Book by José Stevens – Exploring The Heart Of The Inner Shaman: Advanced Work With The Inner Shaman
Read More: Newest E-Book by José Stevens – Exploring The Heart Of The Inner Shaman: Advanced Work With The Inner ShamanThis book is the second in the series of The Inner Shaman. You do not have to read the first book, Awakening the Inner Shaman in order to understand this one. However, you will find the combination of both of them quite powerful and worthwhile.
Shamanic Q & A
Read More: Shamanic Q & AQuestion: If the next 8-10 years are going to be highly chaotic, and the process of re-inventing the new earth would take 300 years to complete, then for us so called light workers who are middle aged, what is there to do in the meantime, so we can actually enjoy some light and prosperity? I…
Shamanic Q & A – March 15, 2011
Read More: Shamanic Q & A – March 15, 2011Question: Do we need to be concerned about the radiation leaks from Japan’s nuclear reactors? Answer: Strangely enough a slight elevation of radiation over time is actually beneficial or helpful to many peoples’ health but a burst of elevated radiation is not. Yes, there is cause for concern if there are continued releases of radiation…
Earthquake, Tsunami, and Revolution
Read More: Earthquake, Tsunami, and RevolutionWelcome to 2011. Dictators topple in Egypt and Tunisia, civil war breaks out in Libya, social unrest boils to the surface all over the Mideast, floodwaters drown towns and countryside from the United states to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Australia, volcanoes erupt, and now a record breaking and devastating earthquake and tsunami strikes Japan. It…
Old Soul Movie Review/Awards Show February 2011
Read More: Old Soul Movie Review/Awards Show February 2011Conviction A well acted film about the true story of a convicted man’s sister’s phenomenal fight to get his murder conviction overturned by new DNA evidence. Hilary Swank does her usual excellent job as the mature soul scholar sister who becomes a lawyer to save her young sage brother. This is an excellent example of…
Shamanic Q & A – February 14, 2011
Read More: Shamanic Q & A – February 14, 2011Questions and Answers Question: Can you comment on the strange weather patterns, the extreme cold, the snow, and inclement weather in the United States?Answer: The element this year is water. There has been massive flooding in Australia and Sri Lanka, huge snow events across North America, and much more water to come in various parts…
Understanding the Revolution in Egypt
Read More: Understanding the Revolution in EgyptMany of you have written requesting an explanation of the recent and ongoing events in Egypt. As of this writing Mubarek, the long term dictator of Egypt has been deposed and Egypt is under the temporary control of the military. Egyptians are ecstatic at their success in ousting the oppressive Mubarek regime that many have…
The Social Network
Read More: The Social NetworkThis is a superbly made film with crisp editing, a riveting storyline, and excellent acting. I did not think the subject matter would hold my interest but it proved to be fascinating. This is the story of Mark Zuckerberg and his creating of Facebook, the internet phenomenon. It shows the ruthlessness of the dot com…